Now in 2025 you will feel that the world have moved on from  things related to putting strict rules on religious days. Its best you respect every religious and be in your best behavior.

Columbia is the capital of one of the most populous states in the United States, Ohio. This state is popularly known as the Heart of it all and it is known for its weird laws. Some of these laws significantly affect retail sales, which states that certain items are not to be sold on Sunday.

The items that are illegal to sell on Sunday in Columbia, Ohio, are cornflakes, liquor, tobacco, and whales. as a mater of fact is, retail stores are only allowed to sell items essential to health.

Illegal Items To Sell On Sunday In Columbia Ohio 

The following items are unlawful to sell on Sunday in Columbia, Ohio:

  • Corn flakes 
  • Liquor 
  • Tobacco 
  • Whales 

1. Corn flakes 

It is illegal for grocery stores to sell cornflakes on Sundays in Columbia, Ohio; this law is strictly observed. There is no particular reason why cornflakes are banned on Sunday, probably because they are made from Corn.

2. Liquor

Selling liquor on the first day of the week in Ohio is not allowed. You‘re not even allowed to sell it without a license. This is slightly understandable because it’s not right to get drunk on a Sunday.

3. Tobacco

It is against the law to take or sell tobacco on Sunday as it looks unholy to pollute the Sabbath day. This makes sense too as people should not be allowed to smoke and make the Sabbath Holy.

4. Whales 

It is unlawful to fish for whales, not to talk of selling it on Sunday in Columbia, Ohio. Interestingly, catching and eating fish is a sign of working on Sunday, and the Sabbath states that no one should work on Sunday as they are treat it Holy.

About Sunday Laws In Ohio

In 1809, Ohio legislators outlawed retail sales on Sundays. These laws are called blue laws because one or more of the regulations are printed on blue paper.

In respect of this law, most retail stores are closed on Sundays, and anyone conducting business on Sundays could be arrested or fined in Ohio. 

These laws have been strictly observed since the day the state was formed. That being said, since we‘ve discussed some items that are illegal to sell on Sunday in Columbia, Ohio, and the Blue laws, let‘s look at the 20 unusual laws in Ohio.

20 Unusual Laws In Ohio 

Here are some weird and funny laws in Ohio that will leave people wondering why they exist:

  • It is illegal for stores to sell cornflakes on Sundays in Columbus. This particular law is fascinating. Why do such laws exist?
  • It is illegal to get a fish intoxicated. Is it even possible to get a fish drunk? Just an opinion.
  • It is illegal to walk a cow down Lake Road in Bay Village.
  • More than five women are not allowed to live together in a house in Ohio. This law can be traced to when brothels were houses for multiple women to live in.
  • It is against the law to run a horse over five miles per hour in Lowell.
  • In Akron, it is unlawful to display blemished chickens for sale. This is challenging if a poultry is rearing colored chickens.
  • It is illegal to fish for whales on Sunday. Probably because they are observing the Sabbath day as stated in the scripture not to do any labor work.
  • In Paulding, a police officer may bite a dog to keep it quiet. This sounds ridiculous because how can a policeman intend to keep a dog calm? The only solution is to bite the dog. So hilarious.
  • In Toledo, it is unlawful to throw a snake at anyone.
  • In North Canton, it is against the law to use roller skates without notifying the police.
  • In Oxford, driving around the town square more than 100 times in a single session is illegal.
  • Women are prohibited from wearing patent leather shoes in public.
  • In Ohio, if you ignore an orator on Decoration Day to such an extent as to publicly play croquet or pitch horseshoes within one mile of the speaker’s stand, you can be fined $25.
  • In Fairview Park, it is against the law to honk your horn “excessively.” It will be so funny to hear, but it‘s true.
  • Moreover, participating in or conducting a duel is prohibited.
  • In McDonald, your duck must not be paraded down Ohio Avenue.
  • In Youngstown, riding on a roof of a taxi cab is not allowed.
  • Also, in Youngstown, you must not run out of gas, which is considered a punishable offense in the state. This is so funny to believe.
  • Also in Ohio, killing a housefly within 160 feet of a church without a license is illegal. Regardless of the fact that it‘s a holy place, you‘ll be fined if you‘re caught breaking this law.
  • In Canton, if one loses their pet tiger, they must notify the authorities within one hour. This is really good for ensuring the safety of individuals.

Can Walmart sell alcohol on Sunday in Ohio?

Fortunately, Walmart is permitted to sell alcohol on Sundays, but it varies on the store location. Also, they ensure that they abide by the local state liquor laws.


Now it is very important to take note of those items that are illegal to sell on Sunday in Columbia Ohio, namely, cornflakes, liquor, and tobacco.

Funny enough, retail stores are only permitted to sell things that are essential to health. It’s weird to imagine a Sunday without cornflakes. There are also some laws popularly known as Blue Laws that are strictly observed in Ohio that can lead to an arrest or fines if broken.

These laws are really funny and weird and you have no choice but to do them if you are an individual or you‘re planning to relocate there.

Just have it in mind that laws are strictly observed there, especially the blue laws, and these laws are mostly regarded on alcohol. This will be more exciting and fun as you share your opinion about these weird laws in the comment section below.

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