Top 10 Best Polytechnics in Africa (2024)

Africa is a rapidly developing continent that has seen an explosive expansion in all areas that span every country on the continent. There has been rapid progress in technology throughout the world and some of these have made their way across the oceans to Africa.

The Lagos City Polytechnic is the best in Africa. The expansion of the continent is also helped by some of the best polytechnics in Africa. A lot of these polytechnics have produced workers who are skilled in vocational and technical skills that in turn contributed to the development of Africa.

Top 10 Best Polytechnics in Africa

Polytechnics are highly regarded with an excellent reputation in several African nations. They have the best facilities, structures, labs, and aids, as well as other features that aid in better and more competitive learning for students.

1. Lagos City Polytechnic

Despite being the newest institution of tertiary education among top polytechnics within Africa, Lagos City Polytechnic has proved itself to be an excellent institution. This is the only private Polytechnic in Nigeria that is socially oriented, technologically advanced, and responds to the requirements of the diverse populace in Nigeria and its employees.

Through the years the institution has built an established track record of producing some of the most skilled employees who are well-represented in all the sectors they have found themselves in Nigeria and Africa as a whole. With top-notch, modern technology and facilities utilized by the school, Lagos City Polytechnic is certainly the best Polytechnic in Africa.

2. Accra Polytechnic

Accra Polytechnic can be computed as one of the pace-setting institutions for other tertiary institutions across Africa. It is among the leading bearers that other polytechnics seek to emulate. Its mission is to constantly produce graduates fully ready for the workplace and to provide technological solutions by applying research and development to communities and industries.

The Accra Polytechnic has been capable of meeting the criteria of a top tertiary institution. The school offers up to 10 degrees (B. Tech) courses in addition to the 15 HND programs. These technical classes are taught by the most skilled instructors available.

3. Arab Academy For Science And Technology And Maritime Transport (AAST)

AAST is a polytechnic that is composed of highly skilled enthusiastic, diverse, and committed individuals, including instructors, student researchers as well as academic and non-academic staff. The school’s continuous growth and success over the years are due to the determination and effort of the school to rise to the top by helping its students reach remarkable levels of human development as well as academic achievement and excellence.

Students should not just embark on a journey of academics but also one of personal, and professional development, and self-discovery. A majority of those who have graduated from the school have gone on to become experts in the field of Maritime Transport, Engineering, Business, International Transport, Computer Science, and innumerable other related fields. They have made themselves in Africa and all over the world.

4. Yabatech

Yet another Nigerian institution, Yabatech is one of the leading polytechnics in Africa. This school has earned a reputation in the industry as being a place for the production of well-baked, skilled, educated, ingenious, and innovative workers in Nigeria as well as Africa all over. The successes of the students from this institution in all areas of the Nigerian economy have earned it a spot on the list of the best polytechnics in Africa.

It was first founded in 1947 as Yaba Higher college and later changed to YABATECH because of the growing capacities of the institution and the quality of the education provided. The school is highly efficient in its activities in such a way that reports have been circulated about the transformation of the school into a University. However, the administration and the Senate of the school have denied the assertions. The polytechnic is home to eight schools that offer 64 different courses, all accredited by the appropriate authorities.

5. Auchi Polytechnic

If you are looking for a school with the majority of essential facilities needed to offer the best technical education for their students, Auchi Polytechnic fits the description. The technical knowledge and skills needed by the various programs that the school offers are provided with the most advanced facilities, which are better than those you encounter in other polytechnics in Africa.

It is the preferred choice of those who wish to acquire an understanding of the practical and technical aspects of their area of study. The school was founded in 1964 by the Federal Government of Nigeria. Despite being among the longest-running polytechnics in Nigeria The school has tried its best to evolve to keep up with the advances in technology in Africa and to grow with the constantly changing curriculum.

6. Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro

Nigeria is home to the majority of the best Polytechnics in Africa. The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro is the sixth-best polytechnic in Africa. It’s almost impossible to talk about the top polytechnics of Africa without considering the Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro. It is renowned as a model for many other established and emerging polytechnics. The majority of new polytechnics draw inspiration from this Polytechnic as an example to build their own around.

Although it was founded in 1979, it was swiftly recognized as a top polytechnic due to its regular academic calendar, top-quality education facilities, and the wide range of the kinds of programs available. The use of modern technology and facilities at the school provide students with the ideal conditions for learning. It is impossible to go wrong with the Polytechnic.

7. Federal Polytechnic, Nekede

In line with a well-planned strategy the Federal Polytechnic, Nekede has slowly made its way up the ranks and has established itself among the top polytechnics of Africa. It’s not a surprise to see the institution on the list of the best polytechnics due to the competitive nature of the school, which helps it stand in line with the leading polytechnics. The school offers a variety of programs that are technologically oriented in line with the modern norm.

This strategy ensures that the school is never lacking when it comes to innovative technology developments in the sector. The school also provides training with a hands-on method to help students of the school adjust to the changing technology. Students are provided with the practical skills required in their field of study, in addition to more fundamental theoretic understanding.

8. The Polytechnic Ibadan

The Polytechnic Ibadan isn’t as well-known as it’s supposed to be, mostly because one of the world’s top universities in the state gets all the attention, enough that it’s like the polytechnic is not even there. However, there is no doubt that it is a great place to study. The Polytechnic Ibadan is still one of the best polytechnics in Africa for students who are fortunate enough to attend this institution.

Contrary to the other polytechnics listed on this list, The Polytechnic Ibadan operates using a faculty system. There are five faculties within the school which are the faculties of Engineering, Sciences, Environmental Studies, Financial Management as well as Business, and Communication. Established in 1970, the institution has remained true to its goal of producing a workforce of skilled commercial and technical employees.

9. Cape Coast Polytechnic

Cape Coast Polytechnic is the oldest polytechnic in Africa and it is also one of the best polytechnics in Africa. As a polytechnic that is primarily responsible for giving technical instruction, the institution provides training and education in Engineering Science, Technology related disciplines, Technical & Vocational Education and Training, applied Arts, and Related Disciplines.

The main goal of the school is to assist in the education of students in a technologically and academically balanced way to ensure that they are adequately prepared for the demands that are presented by the constantly changing society of today. The school is comprised of three faculties and 13 subdivisions of directorates and departments. The institution awards university degrees and HND certificates.

10. Institut National Polytechnique Felix Houphouet-Boigny

In 1996, The Institut National Polytechnique Felix-Houphouet-Boigny also known as Felix Houphouet-Boigny National Polytechnic Institution in English was established. It is a non-profit educational institution located in the urban area of the tiny town of Yamoussoukro. Officially accredited/recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Ivory Coast, Institut National Polytechnique Felix Houphouet-Boigny is a mini tertiary institution with an enrollment range of 3000-4000 students.

The Polytechnic provides programs that lead to recognized higher education qualifications such as pre-bachelor’s degrees which are certificates or diplomas, foundation or associate degrees, master’s degrees, and bachelor’s degrees across a range of areas of study. This school has a strict admissions policy that is based on the results of tests and the student’s grades at the college levels. Many people do not view this school to be an institution of distinction due to the admissions process that is selective and tends to favor Ivorians. However, the Polytechnic is indeed equipped with the facilities needed and infrastructures that provide students with the proper conditions to be successful.
