The Lagos state vocational training and skill acquisition center has been put in place to help the citizens of Lagos and also by empowering them into different areas or fields.

This vocational training is pegged at helping women especially and developing them into independent citizens of the country. This skill acquisition has empowered up to 4,000 people.

A lot of women have been empowered through this process, the women include the vulnerable, the widow, senior citizens and other graduates for the skill acquisition programme. This programme has been supported by the state for many years now and this has helped a lot of people to achieve things they could not achieve themselves.


People were empowered in barbing, tailoring, food grinding and many others. There are various tools which are distributed among them. With the establishment of the skill acquisition centre across the states many would be able to acquire any vocational skills of their choice which would enable them to be able to address any pressing need or challenge, facing them. The Lagos state government is committed to putting various policies and programmes aiming at raising the standards of living of its citizens in spite of the challenges.

The skill acquisition centre has different programs which some of them can last for 1 year, 9 months or 3 months. The skill acquisition centre program can be taken by anyone irrespective of your state. You might not come from Lagos state but as long as you stay there you are entitled to this opportunity. The tuition of the Lagos state vocational training and skill acquisition center program is free for anyone, the centres provide free materials for training and demonstrations only. The female trainees are higher than the males, females are mostly involved in this kind of work. Many times, females have the passion for learning vocational training than male, but some men are also in the department such as catering and others. This skill acquisition is brought up to support the citizens and also because of the economic situation you are urged to start using your learned skill immediately.

That’s all on Lagos state vocational training and skill acquisition center


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