As we age, our travel memories often start to slip away or become less clear. But there are lots of ways that will help you preserve them, and we decided to share a couple of them with you today. So let’s find out what you can do to cherish your precious memories forever.

Ways to Preserve Travel Memories


6 Ways to Preserve Travel Memories

1. Start a Scrapbook

Scrapbooking is one of the most exciting and fun ways to preserve your travel adventures. You can use not only your printed photos, but you can also use your plane or museum tickets, maps, notes, and postcards to illustrate your trips. Crafting a scrapbook will also be a great way to spend quality time with your kids and other family members.  

Store Memories in a Memory Box

2. Store Memories in a Memory Box

Not fond of crafting? Just put everything you find meaningful into a memory box – a container where you can store all your souvenirs, train tickets, maps, and postcards. You can either use shoe boxes you have at home or buy decorative boxes of the same style that will also match your room’s interior. 

You can store your memories in boxes according to the countries you visit or traveling periods if you like to travel to the same places from time to time. 

3. Make a Slideshow 

Are you back from your journey and have realized you have hundreds of photos and videos you don’t know how to use? Here’s a solution for you – a travel slideshow. In your movie-like presentation, you can include all your favorite pictures, accompany the slideshow with catchy music, add a few jokes or quotes, and even record some voice comments to share stories from your trips. But don’t worry if you have little experience in this – here’s a step-by-step guide on how to make a good slideshow to help you with your projects.  

Designing a travel slideshow also makes it easier to show your travel photos to your friends and family all at once compared to sending the files separately. You can share your slideshow as a video on social media and even burn it to DVD. 

4. Take Up Collecting 

Most travelers collect tourist souvenirs from their trips, but there are more creative things you could bring home. For instance, you can keep the money leftover from every country you visit. Postcards and refrigerator magnets can also be suitable options for you – they won’t take up much space in your suitcase and are affordable and easy to find. Besides, you can send postcards to yourself instead of carrying them with you.  

But if you want something you’ll use on a daily basis, you can collect mugs or even food: chocolates, spices, cheese, wine, tea, and so on.  

Create a Travel Playlist

5. Create a Travel Playlist

Nothing can preserve memories better than music. In your playlists, you can include songs that remind you of different moments of your journey and even the national music of the country you visit. For this job, you can use different music programs, such as the Shazam app. It lets you put together a playlist and check out various charts, but the app is also popular for its song identifying feature that will definitely come in handy on your trips.

6. Join the Bloggers’ Club 

Blogging is yet another way to preserve and share your memories. You can create YouTube vlogs, write posts on Twitter, and even arrange live streams on Instagram. There are lots of opportunities and tools for blogging today, so your imagination is the only limitation. However, you will need some equipment like a professional camera or a GoPro camera, a reliable smartphone, a powerful laptop, a tripod, a selfie stick, and more.  

If you invest enough time and effort into blogging, you might even get paid for sharing your travel memories, but your income will depend on the number of your followers and the quality of your content. 

Join the Bloggers’ Club

Final Thoughts 

Now you know 6 creative ways to preserve your travel memories. But even if you prefer to store them printed, we recommend you keep them digitally as well. This way, you’ll also be able to pass the memories down to the next generations. Your printed photos, tickets, and notes might get damaged and fade, but the scanned files will stay intact. 

Now choose the ways you like the most and organize your travel memories. We hope you’ll have more and more memorable moments you’d like to remember.

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