Write For Us

Write For Us/Sponsored Posts

Peakng has made the decision to open its blog for guest post submissions to writers and bloggers in niches such as categories: Education, Travels, Beauty, Blog Tips, Fashion, Business, SEO, technology reviews and news, What Tos and Telecommunications, Lifestyle, Online Business, Fitness, Parenting Photography, Food and FOREX sector. We are accept guest posts by any writer in the listed categories (kindly reach out to us if you’re not sure about your niche/category).

How Does It Benefit Your Brand Or Business As A Blogger/Writer?

  1. For every guest post that is accepted the author will be awarded the following items that allow him/her to increase traffic to their blog or their brand
  2. You can get natural traffic for your blog
  3. A backlink to your blog.
  4. A brief biographical sketch of yourself and your blog (along with the hyperlink towards your website)

Guest Post Requirements On Peakng

  • The article must be informative. it must be in these categories: Education, Travels, Beauty, Blog Tips, Fashion, Business, SEO, technology reviews and news, What Tos and Telecommunications, Lifestyle, Online Business, Fitness, Parenting Photography, Food and FOREX.
  • The word count for each article should be at least 800 (minimum).
  • The post will not be published on other sites until it is live on Peakng whether it is your personal website or blog.
  • Content should be completely unique and unique.
  • We reject articles that are modified/same/articles from other sites.
  • We also don’t accept self-promotion of your services or products.
  • We also don’t like the advertising of products or services, and companies.
  • Articles that contain grammatical mistakes are rejected.

Other Guidelines

  • Include the bio of the author and blog URL at the end of your guest blog post.
  • Don’t bother uploading images for a specific post. We will take care of it in the event that it’s one you created.
  • It is not possible to add more than one link in the bio of the writer.
  • The hyperlink in your guest post should be linked to the article you’re posting.
  • Articles shouldn’t include affiliate links, sponsored links, or Keyword hyperlinks.
  • Articles should not include hyperlinks of any kind, including unrelated links or link.
  • Articles should not contain links that lead to sites for adults or banned sites, or redirects.
  • You can only add one hyperlink to your blog or website by filling out your profile.
  • We will not hyperlink to any professional freelancers or third-party writers. We also don’t link to any other product or service for the purpose of promotion. If this is the sole intention of writing a post, it is recommended that you notify us prior to submitting an ad-hoc article.

How To Proceed Further?

If your guest post meets the above requirements, you can send it as an email to [email protected] (kindly note the name of this blog (peakng.com) in your mail)

The guest post you submit will go published on the blog in one hour (working) in the event that there’s no other guest post on the back burner. It is easy to notify us in your email if you would like the post to go live immediately and it will require some payment.

Acceptable Guest post/Sponsored post categories Include (not limited to) Education, Travels, Beauty, Blog Tips, Fashion, Business, SEO, technology reviews and news, What Tos and Telecommunications, Lifestyle, Online Business, Fitness, Parenting Photography, Food, and FOREX.

Thank you for working with us!