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Top 10 Passports With The Most Strength In Africa (2023)

When we talk about the top passports with the strongest security in Africa we’re not talking about population or the vast territory that is claimed by some of the biggest nations. Seychelles has the passport with the most strength in Africa.

The strength of a passport can be a result of a carefully thought-out foreign policy, how a nation is evaluated by the committee of Nations as well as how seriously you deal with the security concerns. In addition, strong passports show how you operate the foreign policies you have in place.

Top 10 passports that are stronger in Africa

1. Seychelles passport

Seychelles passport is the strongest passport in the Africa for a second consecutive year. Seychelles is proof that it’s not so much the size or population of the country is, but rather the way you communicate the foreign policies of your country. 

Seychelles citizens have the advantage to gain visa-free entry into 151 countries. Although the majority of citizens from the major African nations struggle to get a visa and be admitted to the Schengen area, their Seychelles counterparts have access to Europe Visa-free.

Incredibly, Seychelles is the one (if not the only) small nation on the list, with around 97,625 people living there. Seychelles is, as per historical records the home of some of the rarest species of animals like Aldabra as well as the tortoise.

2. Mauritius’ passport

Located to the southeast of the African mainland of the Indian Ocean Mauritius is an island country with appealing business programs, many tourists destination, gorgeous beaches, a steady economy, and a stable government. The country is one of the countries that has one of the strongest passports in Africa.

According to the Global Passport rank, Mauritius was ranked 31st globally and ranked number two on the African continent. Citizens of the Island country enjoy the option of traveling to any country visa-free or with a visa upon arrival. Mauritius passport holders can visit more than 146 destinations without visas.

3. South African passport

South Africa used to be the most popular tourist and investment destination for many foreigners before 2009. However, Seychelles as well as Mauritius are at the forefront and are currently leading.

Presently, South Africa has the third strongest passports in Africa. The citizens of South Africa can enjoy the privilege of visiting over 104 countries visa-free, or visa on arrival.

4. Botswana passport

Located in Southern Africa, Botswana is a landlocked country famous for its Chobe National Park with the highest concentration of Elephants around the world, and Victoria Falls. 

In the Global Passport ranking, Botswana occupied number 60th meaning that its citizens enjoy the ability to travel to 86 countries around the world without the need for visas before travel.

5. Namibia passport

Located on the southwest coast of Africa, Namibia has one of the strongest passports in Africa. In the Global Passport rankings, Namibia was ranked 66. Namibia has the 5th strongest passport in Africa.

As a former German colony, Namibian citizens can travel to 78 countries with no visa. Namibia is home to a large number of open spaces and one of the world’s most ancient deserts. It is also one of the few African countries that have only a female leader.

6. Lesotho passport

Lesotho is a small, landlocked state surrounded by South Africa with a population of over 2.1 million residents. Despite its size, Lesotho is ranked sixth in Africa and 67th in the world ranking of passports. Lesotho passport holders can travel to the 77 countries in the world without requiring visas.

7. Eswatini passport

Formerly called Swaziland, Eswatini is a landlocked nation in Southern Africa, with a population of over 1.14 million residents. The country is famous for its Zulu Reed dancers. It is located between Mozambique to the northwest, and South Africa to its north as well as west and south. The passport holders of the country can travel to 74 countries without visas. It’s ranked as the seventh strongest passport in Africa.

8. Malawi passport

Malawi is a landlocked nation located in the southeast of Africa that is defined by its topography of highlands divided by the Great Rift Valley and Lake Malawi and its variety of broad life. Malawi is ranked at the 70th position on the global passport index, and its passport holders have access to 72 countries visa-free or with a visa upon arrival.

9. Kenya & Tanzanian passport

People who have passports from Kenya and Tanzania can visit 72 countries without visas until 2021. The validity of Kenya’s passport has decreased over time. The East African nation is ranked 71 globally and its passport holders can travel to 72 countries with no prior visa.

Tanzania is an East African country known for its vast wilderness areas, including those in the Plains that comprise Serengeti National Park and Kilimanjaro National Park. The country’s passport is ranked 71st worldwide, and holders of the Tanzanian passports can travel to 72 countries without a visa. Kenya and Tanzania have one of the most powerful passports in Africa.

10. Tunisia passport

Tunisia, an Arab country situated inside North Africa is currently occupying the 10th position on the list of the strongest passports in Africa. In the world ranking, Tunisia is number 74th and its citizens can enjoy traveling to 71 countries in the world with visa-free entry, or with a visa upon arrival.



The island states comprising Mauritius as well as Seychelles have the strongest passports in Africa and the countries belonging to the Central African Republic have the weakest passports in Africa.