Apply for Federal government recruitment of teachers 2020/2021 – hello buddies, today we are going to take you on a tour on how to apply successfully without hassle for the federal government recruitment of teachers for the year 2020/2021.  We all know it can’t be every one that would be very conversant with the internet to the extent of knowing their way when it comes to this kind of recruitment, moreover, this recruitment exercise could be tricky at times, but all would be made easy as we go through the process. If you would be patient to get the steps we are giving outright, you wouldn’t be needing the services of the café except when you are getting a printout, which means you could get this done right in your home without making mistakes or filling the wrong form. To set things straight, let’s quickly get down to business.


There are possibilities that this year 2020/2021 recruitment could take a different turn from that of the 2019/2020 session, however, we have made our researches and have gotten the right steps to take when it comes to applying for the job online via the portal.

The federal government teacher’s recruitment is a program conducted by the universal basic education board commission which is popularly known as UBEC on behalf of the federal government every year whereby all suitably qualified candidates or applicants get to know the available positions or post for them, get the requirements, and apply for the job. More also, this platform is made for those who would like to work with the universal basic education commission with one particular objective which is to make education available for all Nigerians regardless of their age, religion, and location.


How To Apply Successfully For The Federal Government Recruitment Of Teachers 2020/2021

We all know that this recruitment takes place each year, therefore, the recruitment for the year 2020/2021 is on the way, you shouldn’t wait for 2020 before you get to know the right steps to take for the application process. Here is how to apply online for the job;


Federal Teachers Scheme (FTS) Recruitment process 2020/2021

Here is the process it takes when applying for the federal government recruitment of teachers;

You have to apply at the state level, of which the successful candidates would later be invited for a screening exercise

After the screening exercise, the names shortlisted at the state level will proceed to the federal capital territory for their final documentation


After the documentation, the successful candidates would be posted to any part of the country where there seems to be a shortfall of teachers; therefore you should be ready to get out of your comfort zone.


How to Apply the Federal Teachers Scheme 2020/2021

  • Step 1

Write an application letter to the executive chairman of your state universal basic education board

Application is carried out by hand, which means you as an applicant have to write an application letter to the appropriate quarters to make your application a success, meanwhile, lots of people out there may be thinking the application form is to be filled online, although, we are still looking forward to getting an appropriate portal where application can be done online without stress, as it stands, application is done by hand, therefore you have to visit the appropriate quarters to get things done.

  • Step 2

Submit the application letter alongside the photocopies of your credentials

Like we stated in the previous step, after writing the application letter, you are to submit not only the application letter but you are to submit alongside your application letter, the photocopies of your credentials. Now, where are you to get these documents and application letter submitted? You are to submit the application letter and the photocopies of your credentials at the SUBEB (state universal basic education board) of your state and to the executive chairman of the SUBEB.


Federal Teachers Scheme Recruitment 2020/2021 Requirements

As stated earlier, there are some credentials to be submitted alongside your application letter for a successful application for the job, let’s take a look at the requirements for the federal government teacher’s recruitment;

  • Applicants must be either an NCE holder or a holder to qualify for this job offer of which the degree or certificate must have been acquired from at least 2003.
  • Applicants must not be older than the age of 40
  • Applicants must not be into any other job


Federal Government Teachers Recruitment Portal

Visit the official recruitment portal via if you are to apply successfully for the recruitment exercise, you sure need to visit the right portal to get your registration done successfully, which is why we have given you the right web address to visit. More also, on this platform we have given out to you, you would be able to get the available position you can apply, even though the application is not submitted online.



We would like you to know that this specific job offer is not a part-time job offer it is a permanent job offer of which the successful applicants would be recruited for a long period and paid greatly alongside giving the applicants allowances.


Conclusion on Federal Government Recruitment of Teachers 2020/2021 – How To Apply Successfully

Most of the time, a recruiting process is counted as a game of luck, well, we could actually say it’s a game of luck when the application process is not followed to the latter and the applicant is accepted, but if you adhere to the strict rules and requirements of the program, I bet you are 90 percent ahead of others. There you have the appropriate way to apply for the job offer of a teacher at the federal government level, more also, you have the necessary information needed to get you going all the way. With this information followed strictly, you would have no problem when it comes to applying for the job as you would have met up with the requirements needed to set you at the high realm of teaching.



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