In this article, we will discuss the list of Professional courses in Nigeria. Certifications are gotten from a professional society, university, a certification body, or from a private certifier, for specific certifications in some recognized courses.

These type of certifications are usually earned from a professional society, body or educational institute, and not the government. There are many professional institutions in Nigeria today that regulate different professions ranging from accounting, architecture to engineering. Some of these institutions don’t just act as a regulatory body but they also administer certification examinations to members depending on the license of the organization.

When a person passes these examinations it is seen as a symbol of professional accomplishments, career boost and lend credence to the competence of the individual who has passed such examination.

Professional courses refer to a variety of education and training which match the needs of a specific Industry. The focus of professional courses is on skill building, self-improvement career development, and lots more.

Entry requirements for admission to offer professional courses in Nigeria varies, depending on the sector as some require you to be a Degree holder while some other courses can be run alongside your university education. On completion of any specialized professional courses, job seekers find employment easier because of their wide acceptability of their skill in the particular Industry.

Offering such Courses have also turned out to be a very popular choice for a lot of people in Nigeria as this brings more professionalism and job security.

Below is a list of professional courses you can offer here in Nigeria these courses provide a well-defined career in terms of the industry;

List of Professional Courses in Nigeria Among Others

  1. Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria
  2. Business Education Exams Council
  3. Chartered Institute of Marketing of Nigeria
  4. West African Institute for Financial & Economic Management
  5. Nigerian Society of Engineers
  6. Nigerian Institute of Architects, NIA
  7. Medical and dental council of Nigeria
  8. Certified Institute of Cost Management
  9. Chartered Institute of Personnel Management of Nigeria
  10. Centre for Law & Development
  11. Business Education Exams Council
  12. Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria
  13. Chartered Insurance Institute of Nigeria
  14. Nigerian Institute of Social and Economic Research
  15. West African College of Physicians
  16. Certified Cost Engineering Consultants (CCEC)
  17. Certified pension institute of Nigeria Certification (CPIN)
  18. Association of national accountant of Nigeria certification (ANAN)
  19. Health and Safety Environment (HSE)
  20. Project Management Professional (PMP)
  21. Human Resources Management (HRM)

The importance of studying professional courses In Nigeria includes :

  • Effective interaction with the employer, the job and understanding their needs and requirements.
  • Development and execution of interesting activities.
  • Effective Interaction with other departments related to your field or any other stakeholders.
  • Upgrade of knowledge

That’s all on List of Professional Courses In Nigeria 2018, share your opinions and thoughts with us through the comment box

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