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Top 10 Most Educated People In The World (2024)

Some people have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and for learning new things. The world’s most educated people are not learning in order to obtain degrees and certificates to get jobs; they just want to learn, and to pass on what they have learned.

These odd people must be cherished and admired because their unending quest for knowledge often leads to new information and new discoveries. Through them the world becomes aware of new things, and of new approach to things.

Education is a privilege or a right, depending on where one lives. For these people it is a way of life.

Top 10 Most Educated People In The World

1. Zhou Baokuan

Zhou Baokuan is a Chinese national who just cannot stop studying. He presently has 10 degrees in total, and has taken over 35 years of study to acquire. His field of study is quite wide; he holds four bachelor’s and technical certification diplomas; two masters; and four doctorates.

He is the most read person in china; and a national symbol of learning. Zhou Baokuan owes his studies to his very inquisitive mind; aside from his impressive collection of certificates Zhou Baokuan also has a collection of books he has written.

He has been honored by a newspaper; and become a celebrity in china. He is keen to pass on the things he has learned.

2. Benjamin Bolger

Benjamin Bolger is an American academic overachiever; he has 11 degrees in total. That is not the only thing impressive about him; he has struggled with severe dyslexia his entire life, a disability which has made it difficult for him to read, and to understand written words. This disability would have held back anyone else, but not him. In fact he has seen it as a challenge; and has gone on to surmount it.

The epitome of doggedness; he has gone on to achieve his academic status at some of the most prestigious institutions in the world. Some of them include; University of Michigan, Columbia, Brown, Stanford, Dartmouth, Oxford, and Cambridge (not to mention another degree from Harvard. Presently, he is studying for 5 more degrees at Penn and Cornell.

Benjamin Bolger is an educator; he teaches a wide variety of subjects and has gained a reputation for his teaching skills. He is more of a mentor; and a poster boy for students with disabilities.

3. Kevin Cummins

Kevin Cummins is an Australian book lover. He has an amazing 11 degrees under his belt; and they come in a wide range of fields. Perhaps, of all the people on this list he looks the most brow beaten; having spent the better part of his life studying and learning.

As an educator he is quite witty; he knows how to make his listeners laugh, while passing the message across. He also practices meditation as a way of calming his mind. He is married to a wonderful and equally funny woman; and this has helped him attain a delicate work-life balance or rather a read-life balance.

4. Ashoka J. Prasad Jr.

Ashoka J. Prasad Jr. is an Indian professor emeritus; a leader in the field of medicine. His collection of degrees include those that are relevant to his field of medicine, and those that he may have undertaken for his own enjoyment.

Totaling 19 degrees in all, some of his degree include an MA in anthropology from Cambridge and an MRC in psychiatry from the University of Edinburgh. For his amusement he has degrees in geography, history, mathematics, and aviation medicine.

As a leader in medical research he has brought considerable improvements to pediatrics and neonatal care, especially in his country India. He has also taught at University of Pennsylvania, Columbia, Harvard, Yale, and Cambridge.

5. R.K. Rai

R.K. Rai is an Indian book addict; he has racked up about 30 degrees in his time so far. He has in his collection 22 Masters’, 5 PhDs, and three D. Litts – the remarkable thing is that all he has attained these degrees in widely divergent fields.

He has also had a good career teaching in class; although he is now retired from his work as a professor. He’s books are still widely used by students, and even now he continues to write. Furthermore, he is gearing up for a position as administrator of a college.

R.K Rai has not given up on learning; he says he believes it is essential to a happy life. As such he is studying for a master’s degree in astrology from Magadh University.

6. Robert Raffa

Robert Raffa is an American researcher who presently holds 5 degrees; including two bachelor’s, two masters, and a PhD. He is a professor and chair of pharmaceutical studies at Temple University.

His work as a researcher is very important; and he uses his degrees to advance his work. He has done too many research projects, written books, and taught classes related to chemistry and pharmacology.

As a versatile and vast mind, he has won numerous awards and grants, showing that he has the confidence of the academic community.

7. Satch Ejike

Satch Ejike is a Nigerian born lawyer and academic. He is known for his 5 degrees which include an LL.B. in law, B.L in law, MS in political science, and MA in humanities. He also has an LL.M. in business and taxation, and a PhD in business history and public policy.

He has written several books, and has law firms in both Nigeria and America. He has held several teaching positions over the years, in several prestigious colleges.

He presently works as a lawyer; and surprising one of his more popular books is about love.

8. Daniela Simidchieva

Daniela Simidchieva is largely acclaimed as one of the smartest people in the world. She has an IQ that is registered at 200. Perhaps to prove how smart she is; she has accumulated a total of 7 degrees; including five master’s degrees and two bachelor’s degrees.

You don’t see many women doing this; she also has 3 children and husband to care for. Interestingly, her studies have been in diverse range of fields; some of which include English, economics, and electrical engineering.

Simidchieva works in the tech industry; she is an expert on international programs and projects.

9. Michael Griffin

Michael Griffin is an American scientist and researcher; he holds 7 degrees at present. Some of his degrees include BA in physics, an MS and PhD in aerospace engineering, an MS in electrical engineering, an MS in physics, and an MS in civil engineering. He also holds an MBA.

He has an amazingly vast scope and perspective; and uses these on his job as chief of NASA. He has been listed among the 100 most influential people by time Magazine (2007).

10. Neil deGrasse Tyson

Neil deGrasse Tyson is an American astrophysicist; he is probably the most popular scientist in the world; and much of his popularity is with young trendy people on social media- uncommon with scientists.

He has around 4 degrees presently, including BA degree in physics at Harvard College, MA degree in Astronomy University of Texas at Austin, MPhil degree in astrophysics, a PhD degree in astrophysics.

He was a lecturer of astronomy at the University of Maryland, but now he works for NASA. He has written several books, and too many articles to count.



While looking at the most educated people in the world; it is important to note that in some cases they receive sponsorship to study certain subjects because they have proven advantage afforded them by their keen minds. Even when that is not the case, they have no problem spending the money to gain knowledge because that is what they love. It has nothing to do with finding jobs.

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