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Top 50 Most Intelligent Countries In The World (2024)

The most intelligent countries in the world often place a high priority on education as a means of nation building. This cascades into a high level of intelligence among the population, as shown by the average IQ scores attained.

IQ scores on their own mean little, but when the mental capacity of the people are put to use one often finds that some countries experience rapid growth in technology, economy, and medical research.

Such countries are often self-reliant; and the success they record makes it clear that education is the key to development.

Most Intelligent Countries In The World

1. Japan

Japan is a versatile and unique country in Asia; it practices a kind of social capitalism in which everything is done for the greater good. For example; there is the case of a train station which continued in operation for the sole purpose of conveying one little girl to school.

The country is known for being innovative, and the people are hardworking and determined. Japan places a high priority on learning, and the people are quick to embrace change. The country also has the oldest population in the world, and a very lively culture.

Japan is a self reliant country with a very high performance in the human development index; Japan produces its own food, and is one of the major exporters of automobiles. The country is also a major hub for the development of vehicular technology, and a world leader in robotics.

2. Taiwan

Taiwan is another Asian country with remarkable development in education; it has a literacy rate of 91%, and an average IQ of 106.47.

Taiwan has seen exponential growth in its economy over the past few decades; and this economic growth has been propelled by technology, and the manufacturing sector.

The investment in education has paid off quite handsomely; Taiwan is a leading provider of electronic devices, technological innovation, and automobile parts. The country is self-reliant, and the economic prospects for the future are good.

3. Singapore

Singapore is an island city state in South Asia; one that is known for its prosperous economy, and its incredible wealth. Singapore attained this stature by making extensive investments in education; it has an average IQ of 105.89, and a literacy rate of 96.77%.

Singapore has the highest concentration of high net worth individuals in the world; the economy is buoyed by technology, finance, real estate, and others. The country also has an excellent governance structure; one that has zero tolerance for corruption.

The country is noticeably small; but its small size has not inhibited its growth and development in any way. As a matter of fact, it has made it more manageable; and has resulted in the country having an enviable pride of place in the committee of nations.

4. Hong Kong

Hong Kong has a special relationship with China- it is called a special administrative region. This country is very similar to Singapore in that there is great diversity in the people that make up the country, and contribute to the economy.

With such a good economy, there is enough money to invest in education. Hong Kong has an average IQ of 105.37, and a literacy rate of 93.5%.

Hong Kong’s economy is supported by technology, finance, manufacturing, and hospitality. The country is known for being one of the best places to do business, and live. The governance, economy, education, and social structures in place make the country truly the Pearl of the Orient.

5. China

China is a remarkable country in many ways. It is one of the oldest extant countries in the world, and also arguably the most populous with a population of about 1.2 billion people. That is an amazing amount of human capital; the country has an average IQ of 104.1, and a literacy rate of 96.36%.

Over the last few decades China has been noted for its economic potential; it is one of the world’s largest economies, and also one of the fastest growing economies in the world.

China is therefore an economic superpower, and by virtue of its existence since antiquity, and the sheer number of people speaking its language, the country is also a cultural superpower. China has its own unique forms of writing; and they have been in use for thousands of years.

For those thousands of years China had its own unique system of education; showing that the country has always placed a high value on education. Now, virtually everybody in china can read and write.

China has a great medical set up; and research and development of everything from medical science, communication technology, and space technology is also top notch. The country is self-reliant, and is often relied upon by third world countries to help with infrastructural development.

6. South Korea

South Korea is another Asian country that has steadily risen in importance in the last few years; it too has an ancient and interesting history; although it pales significantly when compared to china.

South Korea has a population of 51.74 million people; and that amounts to incredible amount of human potential when you consider the fact that the country has an average IQ of 102.35, and a literacy rate of 97.97%.

South Korea has put its human potential to good use; it has become a hub of technology development  and manufacturing. South Korea is known for its mobile phones, cars, machines, and user electronics.

7. Belarus

Belarus is a multi-ethnic country near Russia and Ukraine in Eastern Europe. Interestingly this relatively new country has excelled in making education available to its citizens, and as a result; has created a very intelligent society indeed.

Belarus has a population of about 9.2 million people, which though small in size when compared to its neighbors; is very efficient because the country is quite productive. Belarus has an average intelligence of 101.6, and a literacy rate of 100% which is the highest in Eastern Europe.

The country is quite self-reliant; it produces its own food, and even exports agricultural and other products. It has strategic friendships with Russia and Ukraine for other things it needs such as energy.

Belarus is a developing country; but it performs quite well on the human development index. The country is also quite disciplined; it has zero tolerance for corruption, and still uses the capital punishment.

8. Finland

Finland is a country in northern Europe. Countries in northern Europe are usually very developed; Sweden and Norway are some of its neighbors, and they are both very developed countries. Finland has a population of 5.6 million; and although it is not very diverse; there are many languages spoken in the country.

Finland’s population is a very lettered one; the country has an average IQ of 101.2, and a literacy rate of 100%. The country has placed a high priority on education for a very long time; public schools in the country are very well maintained.

Finland offers free education as one of the most attractive welfare packages; this makes the country perform quite well on the human development index. Finland is self-reliant; it grows its own food, while some its major exports include paper, processed wood, petroleum, vehicles, and other finished products.

9. Liechtenstein

Liechtenstein is a small country between Switzerland and Austria. It is one of the smallest countries, and also one of the most intelligent nations in the world. Liechtenstein has a population of 38 thousand; and they are all very smart people. The average IQ of Liechtenstein is 101.07, and the literacy rate is 100%.

This is a microstate; and as such it is unreasonable to compare its output in terms of volume with the more populated countries of the world. However, the country is one of the world’s financial centers, and serves as a tax haven where rich individuals can store their wealth.

Liechtenstein’s economy is built around the banking and services industries; the people enjoy one of the highest standards of living in the world.

10. Germany

Germany is a country in central Europe; it is one of the best organized countries in the world, and at the same time one of the most important countries in the world. Leading up to the Second World War, Germany was one of the most powerful and best equipped countries in the world.

It attained that status because it placed a high priority on education; Germany has continued to be one of the world’s biggest hubs of research and development especially as it concerns machinery, medicine, technology, and economy.

Germany can only do this because it is a country of highly intelligent people; the population stands at 84 million people, and they have an average IQ of 100.74, with a literacy rate of 99%.

The following is a more extensive list of the 50 most intelligent countries in the world.

Rank Country Region
1 Japan 106.48
2 Taiwan 106.47
3 Singapore 105.89
4 Hong Kong 105.37
5 People’s Republic of China 104.1
6 South Korea 102.35
7 Belarus 101.6
8 Finland 101.2
9 Liechtenstein 101.07
10 Germany 100.74
11 Netherlands 100.74
12 Estonia 100.72
13 Luxembourg 99.87
14 Macau 99.82
15 Cambodia 99.75
16 Canada 99.52
17 Australia 99.24
18 Hungary 99.24
19 Switzerland 99.24
20 United Kingdom 99.12
21 North Korea 98.82
22 Slovenia 98.6
23 New Zealand 98.57
24 Austria 98.38
25 Iceland 98.26
26 Denmark 97.83
27 Belgium 97.49
28 United States of America 97.43
29 Norway 97.13
30 Sweden 97
31 France 96.69
32 Poland 96.35
33 Slovakia 96.32
34 Russia 96.29
35 Lithuania 95.89
36 Croatia 95.75
37 Andorra 95.2
38 Ireland 95.13
39 Czech Republic 94.92
40 Latvia 94.79
41 Italy 94.23
42 New Caledonia 93.92
43 Vanuatu 93.92
44 Spain 93.9
45 Bermuda 93.48
46 Cyprus 93.39
47 Portugal 92.77
48 Israel 92.43
49 Barbados 91.6
50 Malta 91.27



The most intelligent countries in the world prove beyond doubt that education and intelligence play major roles in the development of people; these countries have enabled their people to reach their full potentials by giving them conducive environments to use their creative abilities, and also by making education available.

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