How Much Is Allowance For All States In Nigeria? The National Youth Service Corps popularly called NYSC scheme was an initiative of the Yakubu Gowon military regime in 1973 with the aim of reconstructing, reconciling and rebuilding the country after the Nigerian Civil war which affected so many, resulting in loss of lives and property.

From its inception, every year, fresh graduates travel across the nation to different states to serve in the spirit of patriotism. While many Nigerians in past have called on previous governments to scrap the scheme as they say it has outshined its usefulness, many others have insisted that the scheme should be retained as it has instilled the spirit of unity among the Nigerian youths. The scheme has produced long-term friendships, marriages, and the likes.

nysc allowance latest news on nysc allowance
Latest News on NYSC Allowance

The latest news on NYSC allowance After three weeks in camps where the youths are taken through a rigorous physical routine, they are then posted to their places of primary assignment within the state. Many usually recall the time spent in camp as memorable and interesting despite the stress they would have been subjected to. Apart from the uniform salary paid to youth corp members nationwide, some state governments where the corp members are posted also give them monthly stipends as allowances. To most people, the monthly federal government stipend of 33,000 is not enough in the face of the rising cost of living in the country. Many prospective corps members want to be posted to ‘favourable’ states that support it’s serving corps members with state allowances. In some states, the monthly allowance of NYSC members differs based on their course of study, with medical corp members usually favoured. I’m sure you are curious to know the highest paying States, well….here they are.

Latest News on NYSC Allowance

NYSC Allowance For All Nigerian States 2020

Nigerian States That Pays NYSC Allowance / Salary

  1.    ABIA STATE

This state offers the sum of five thousand nairas (5000) to its NYSC Corpers.


This state pays the sum of ten thousand nairas (10000) to its Nigerian  Youth Service Corps


This state pays the sum of one thousand five hundred (1500) naira to its Nigerian Youth Service Corps.


This state gives the sum of three thousand nairas (3000) to its Nigerian Youth Service Corps.


This state offers the sum of one thousand (10000) naira to its Nigerian Youth Service Corps.

  1.    Cross River state

This state gives the sum of three thousand, ninety (3090) naira to its Nigerian Youth Service Corps.


This state offers the sum of five thousand (5000) naira to its Nigerian Youth Service Corps.


This state pays the sum of five thousand (5000) naira to its Nigerian Youth Service Corps.


This state offers the sum of ten thousand (10000) naira to its Nigerian Youth Service Corps.

  1.     IMO STATE

This state offers the sum of two thousand nairas to its Nigerian Youth Service Corps.


This state gives the sum of five thousand (5000) to Corpers in Local Government Areas.

They offer sixteen thousand (16000) naira to Corpers who work in hospitals and,

They offer twenty-six thousand (26000) naira to Medical Corpers.


This state offers three thousand (3000) naira to Nigerian Youth Service Corps.

  1.     KANO STATE

This state offers four thousand (4000) naira to its Nigerian Youth Service Corps.

  1.     LAGOS STATE

This state offers five thousand (5000) naira to Corpers in Local Government Areas

It also offers ten thousand (10000) naira to Corpers serving in ministry.


This state offers three thousand (3000) naira to its Nigerian Youth Service Corps.

  1.     NIGER STATE

This state offers six thousand (6000) naira to its Nigerian Youth Service Corps.

  1.     OGUN STATE

This state offers the sum of five thousand (5000) naira to its Nigerian Youth Service Corps.

  1.     OSUN STATE

This state offers the sum of five thousand (5000) naira to its Nigerian Youth Service Corps.

  1.     OYO STATE

This state offers the sum of fifteen thousand (15000) naira to its Nigerian Youth Service Corps.

  1.      SOKOTO STATE

This state offers four thousand (4000) naira to its Nigerian Youth Service Corps, and nine thousand (9000) naira to its Nigerian Youth Service Corps serving in the state hospital.


This state offers the sum of ten thousand (10000) naira to its Nigerian Youth Service Corps.


This state offers the sum of three thousand (3000) naira to its Nigerian Youth Service Corps.

The Nigerian States That Does Not Pays NYSC Allowance / Salary

  • Adamawa State
  • Anambra State
  • Benue State
  • Edo State
  • FCT Abuja
  • Gombe State
  • Katsina State
  • Kebbi State
  • Kogi State
  • Kwara State
  • Ondo State
  • Osun State
  • Plateau State
  • Rivers State
  • Taraba State
  • Kaduna State
  • Kano State

If you are wondering how much is Nysc allowance in Abuja, Surprisingly, NYSC allowance in Abuja is zero, Yeah nothing ! 

Once again Federal Government Monthly Nysc allowance for all corp members is 33,000 Naira

More About NYSC Programme

NYSC is known as National Youth Service Corp this is a body in the whole of Nigeria that enables students or graduates who have finished their time in any tertiary institution to come and serve their country in the best ways they can. NYSC is a body that brings about students from different ethnic groups and places them in different states in Nigeria in order for them to learn, observe and integrate themselves into the system of the place that they find themselves.

It is used to help find themselves, and so NYSC is a body that promotes human relations movement amongst students and their environments.

For example, if a student from the East, which is the Igbo side is placed or is taken to the West serve his or her country, such a person would be able to interact, would be able to learn the culture that is being practiced there and will be able to do one of two things in such culture at the end of the day.

NYSC as a body, strives to enhance coordination among people as it is charged, to bring people from different ethnic groups together and also it strives to help people to understand, that there are other things that they can learn from other ethnic groups or other places that may not even be represented in their own ethnic groups. The programme also helps people to know what they are missing on the outside.

For example, a child who was born in a Yoruba home, went to a school in the West, which is the Yoruba part, who attends church in the West, will now understand how the school and church environment in the East or North are.

This, therefore, means that NYSC brings about coordination in order for that child to go further, to learn and to experience things from other ethnic groups.

There are so many advantages of this programme in Nigeria, and as a matter of fact, the advantages supersedes the disadvantages.

A lot of times, people have emphasized that its a waste of time, but looking from the advantages point of view, it would be known that NYSC is not in any way a waste of time, but it is a process or it is a body that helps to bridge the gap between each ethnic group in Nigeria.

There are three major ethnic groups in Nigeria, which are the Yoruba, Igbo, and Hausa.

  • These groups have different parts of the countries that they stay in.
  • The Yoruba states are known as Ondo, Ogun, Abeokuta and so on.
  • The Igbos are represented in Abia, Imo, Anambra, Enugu, and others.
  • Finally, the Hausa states are represented in Zaria, Kano, Yola, Katsina and so on.

This article would help people to understand the relevance of NYSC in Nigeria, and it would also help people to know how much is being paid as an allowance to students of the NYSC body.

After a student graduates from University, the next thing to go into is the NYSC, in this service, the students are given a token amount which is known as an ‘allowance’ and it comes on a speculated date on every month of the year for a whole year.


  1.    It paves way for self-reliance and self-dependence among students who have left the university.
  2.    It brings about awareness for students about the place they are going to be posted to for example anyone who has been posted to the east would have to go and research on the place to find out the kind of things that are been done there so it brings about awareness for students on the particular part of the country that they are being posted to.
  3.    It helps to bring the ethnic groups in the country together and put them as one body instead of causing a division.
  4.    By visiting these states and towns in different parts of the country, one gets to experience new cultures and traditions. A whole new way of life is brought to the knowledge of the Corp member and they get to experience, first hand, how things are done in these other parts of the country.

The latter part of this article would examine the different allowances given to Students or University graduates, who are serving in the NYSC program, by different states.

Different states come with different rules and regulations, as well as different types of the fund or different amounts of money, that they give out the Corpers.

These states are not inclined to give the Coppers money, but some states take it upon themselves to allocate funds in form of allowances to Corpers, in order to boost their morale and also help inefficiency in the various places that they find themselves.

  • These states help these individuals or these graduates, to live an average better life even as a Corpers. 
  • It also helps the Corpers to stay away from any form of atrocities or crimes which involve stealing and fraud.
  • These funds are given to the students or to the Corpers to help them sustain themselves, for the period that they are going to serve in the different states.

Some Corpers get more money, while some get lesser amounts of money; this is not the style of any structure of government, rather it depends solely on the type of government that is being run by the state. Some state governors do not see any need to give Corpers any allowance and this is because the Federal government itself, has a particular amount of money that it allocates to Corpers every month for a whole year.

However, some governors see it as a necessity and as a need to give these Corpers the allowances, in order to help them to live a sustainable life in the new environments that they have found themselves.

Below is the list of states in Nigeria and the amount of money that they give as allowances to students or to Corpers.

Conclusion On How Much Is NYSC Allowance in all States in Nigeria 2023

The NYSC Programme is a very functional Programme that capitalizes on administrative work most of the time, for University graduates to know what it feels like to work for their government or serve their government. It is the best form of service so far to the country of Nigeria by University graduates.

Now that you have known the amount each state pays, you are in a better position to choose the state you want to serve in wisely, or better still, help someone else. That’s all on the question “How Much Is NYSC Allowance in all States in Nigeria 2023”.

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Tags: Latest News on NYSC Allowance, Nysc Salary, Latest News on Allowance Increment