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Ogun State NYSC Camp Pictures Location & Experience

NYSC is known as the Nigerian Youth Service Corps, and it is a body that was established on May 22, 1973, in Nigeria. This body brought about an initiative for graduates from tertiary institutions to leave their comfort zones and the places that they call home, go to other parts of the country or other states in the country as service to their countries.

This program runs for a period of one year, every year in Nigeria. This article would strive to inform people about the kind of experience of members in Ogun State NYSC camp are having when they go camping, and the focus of this article would be on Ogun State NYSC Camp pictures and address location.

Every year, graduates leave their homes to go to another state, so as to serve their country in the best possible way that they can. Over 70 percent of the people listed under NYSC are sent to an educational sector or system to serve their country. Only a few of them are sent to administrative places and organizations to serve.

Ogun State NYSC Camp Pictures, Location & Experience

NYSC is a very functional program that helps people to interact and learn in the process. This initiative would help people to go beyond their jurisdiction and comfort zones to other parts of the country so as to get information and know how things are being done there.

In other words, someone who has always lived in the Western part of Nigeria might be sent all the way to the Eastern part of Nigeria all for the purpose of serving his country. There is no stereotype in picking graduates, and there is no set place for anyone to serve, as everyone is taken to different places at different points in time. 

As we all know, Ogun State is a Western state which means that most of the people that occupy this state are from the Yoruba ethnic group. Someone who is not familiar with the culture of this state and its inhabitants might not be able to live there for a long time, but the NYSC program compels such a person to go there against all odds and try to communicate with the members of the community and try to become one with them even for the short period of time, which is a period of one year only.

There are so many things to talk about when it comes to NYSC, there are so many experiences for people to face, and that is one of the reasons for the program in the first place. The program wants people to experience something very different from their everyday routine and this can only happen when there is a form of interchanging between people. The program wants people to be able to share their various experiences with one another through various means and this is only possible because of the program and its initiative.

This type of program could only have been brought about in a country that has so many cultures and ethnic groups. Nigeria is a country that is endowed with so many languages, and so many people with traditional vices embedded in it. Looking at the division amongst these ethnic groups because of the only barrier within them which is language, the NYSC program was brought about to unite these cultures and ethnic groups in a way that people learned from one another even without knowing. Many people even began to see the point in mingling with other people aside from their own ethnic regions and this brought about so many coordination between people that people could tolerate each other and work with each other in a harmonious way.


The experience at the Ogun state camp which is located at Ikenne Road, Sagamu, Ogun state was one of the best experiences anyone could ever ask for.


Ogun State NYSC Camp Pictures Location Experience
Orientation Camp Multipurpose Hall
Field Parade
Field Parade
Orientation Camp Stadium Pics
Orientation Camp Stadium Pics
Ogun State NYSC Camp Location
Corpers Inside Hall
Ogun State NYSC Orientation Camp Pictures
Maami Market Thingz


Taken from a Youth Corps Member who was posted to Ogun state, after she had picked Bauchi state initially. She stated that the experience you get from camp solely depends on the type of place you are taken to, but Ogun state could not have been better for her as she enjoyed every bit of the camp experience. There was the registration time which had a very long process and was very tiring at first. The camp routine in the morning had Soldiers coming to wake Youth Corps Members up, as early as 4:30 am for the morning jog which would last for some hours. After the morning jog, there would be devotion and announcements from the officers in charge of the camp, before they all proceed for the Man O’ War activities and parade.

The afternoon and evening time was very much different from the morning, as, during this time, they would be given lectures, and they had to sit down and listen to it by all means. In the evening, there would always be a parade, followed by sports activities.

Going down to the food in the camp, it was exciting to eat three square meals every day for 21 days. There was always a fixed time for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and so, every occupant had to live by these rules no matter what.


  •    It is called a 5-star experience camp by everyone.
  •    Corps Members stay in different rooms and not a long hallway with beds.
  •    There is constant running water at every time of the day.
  •    The toilets are always clean and sanitized for people to use
  •    It has a Maami market where everything and anything is sold.
  •    It has a very good NYSC band for entertainment.


It was founded by Adebayo Adedeji and the first Director-General of the program was known as Ahmadu Ali. The program is set up and funded by the Nigerian Federal Government. The present Director-General of NYSC is Brigade General Sule Zakari Kazaure. The NYSC Headquarters is located at the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. A decree which is known as No. 24 brought about the initiation of this program and is widely stated that NYSC would be a program used to enhance and encourage growth and development among all youths in Nigeria. This means that NYSC was enacted to promote National Unity.

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As said before, it all depends on where you are posted to, as experienced differ in every way.

Tags: Ogun State NYSC Camp pictures Location and Experience