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Delta State NYSC Camp Pictures, Location & Experience

The dream of most Nigerian youth is one day to wear the crested Vest and the khaki trouser with the jungle boot and the famous camp that serves as the full kit identity of the Ajuwaya. {

This post will be looking at the Delta State NYSC camp pictures, location, and experiene}. The Ajuwaya world is a beautiful dream of every Nigerian Undergraduate and the joy of every Higher institution’s graduates from the polytechnics and the Universities doting the landscape of the Nation.

Nigeria is incomplete until when he crossed the barrier of mobilization, and crossing these is like crossing the Rubicon and the joy becomes fulfilled when the posting come out but for different folks, it is different stories, as to some folks, it is usually an anti-climax experience with posting to states that are not on the good books of the potential Ajuwaya.


What is the Ajuwaya World?

The Ajuwaya World is the world of National Youth Service Corps of Nigeria. A scheme that was created by the Government of General Yakubu Gowon, by Decree 24 on the 22 of May 1973 after the Nation’s forays into the bloody world of civil wars as a tool of the country’s reconciliation, rebuilding, and reconstruction of the Nation and to instill in the Nation’s youths the spirit of oneness and cultural integration. The Scheme is designed to bridge the educational world and the career world for the corps members and inculcate them with the real-life skills needed for real-world experience. The National Youth Service Corps Scheme starts with the resumption into military-style camps known as Orientation Camp, where they are to stay for 3 weeks for indoctrination and enculturation, mostly away from state of their residence and origin and after which they are posted to areas within the states known as PLACE OF PRIMARY ASSIGNMENT that is usually education, health and agricultural centers for which they are paid a stipend monthly for the next 11 months before they passed out in a ceremony for which they are issued a certificate of completion.


The Big Heart of the Nation is one of the states in the southern parts of Nigeria, created on 27 August 1991 by the administration of General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida. The State is carved from the former Bendel State and has the following ethnic groups; Urhobos, Itsekiris, Isoko, Ijaws, Izon, and Ukuawani. The Capital of Delta is Asaba and the more popular city, Warri which is the economic nerve center of the state. The present governor of the state is Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa since 2015.

Delta State NYSC Camp Pictures
Delta State NYSC Camp
Delta State NYSC Camp Experience
Camp Experience


  • The NYSC permanent orientation camp is located in Issele-Ukwu the headquarters of  Aniocha North LGA, a 20 minutes drive from the state capital, Asaba.

The city is of a mixed population dominated by the Igbo stock known as Anioma and the city has a sizable population of Urhobos, Itsekiris, Izon, Isoko, Hausa, and Yoruba.

As a prospective corp member, you are meant to pick up or print out your call-up letter where the state of your posting is indicated and you are meant to proceed to pack your luggage for journey to the Delta and for convenience, you are meant to take some sizeable number of white vests, socks, shorts and tennis wear with you.


The camp life is a regimented life and is controlled by the sound of the bugle which you have to understand the signal to know what tasks are to be performed. The camp wakes up at 5 am for preparation for the parade ground, where morning rituals such as prayers, anthem recitation, and other basic information for the day are performed. So, for convenience, it is advisable to wake up earlier for sanitary purposes to avoid the morning rush for water, because water is a scarce commodity in this camp. These rituals end with some early morning drills and exercises before you move to the dining room for breakfast. The meal prepared in the kitchen is of average rating so if you have extra money, you may opt-out for the various kitchens in the mammy markets.

The day activities include attending the compulsory boring and lengthy talks of 5 hours between the hours of 9 am- 2 pm where many organization and speakers come lecturing on diverse topics for post-university capacitation and you are also to participate in another compulsory skill acquisition and entrepreneurship development scheme (SAED) where you are tasked to familiarize with a skill you will pick and continue even post orientation camp.

The rest of the day includes the marching drill, sports, and religious activities, but the climax of the day is the Social night of familiarization and relaxation and various social competitions take place inter-platoons. Popular guest artists are featured in the nights but the mammy market groove too is at the peak and here you see the soldiers in a relaxed mood with the corps members sharing bottles of drinks and sticks of cigarettes. Lest I forget, the Mammy market, though is a military vocabulary is a name for the make-shift market that operates on the camp, where essential goods are sold, almost all the things you need can be purchased in this market. There are some rules, you must be familiarized with at these camps, you are to always be kitted in the all-white kits on camp apart from Sundays and the Muslim prayer hours of Fridays and the crested vest is the attire for an official programme like a special visitation of dignitaries. The curtain of the day is dropped around 10 pm with the official light out and another event to look out is the bonfire night. At the end of the camp is the posting of corps to the local government of their assignment and thus the end of the orientation camp.


You are meant to resume camp on or before the deadline which is usually the midnight of the Wednesday of resumption. Camp life starts at the orientation camp gate where you are welcome by the unfriendly officers with some drills and you are meant to proceed to the registration points with some important documents that include your call-up letter, school id card, and original certificates for verification. Be prepared for long and hectic queues where you will be duly registered after the verification of the documents and you will be assigned your kits and allocated a room, and a platoon number which assigned you to a platoon, as the last digit is mostly the platoon number you are assigned to.

A platoon is a small unit of corps members where you will be identified throughout the camp for easy identification and activities participation. The platoon is coordinated by NYSC officials for documentation and coordination, military officers for military drill coordination.

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The camp life is different shades for different people and is a micro-Nigeria, where you get to meet and learn to live with different persons, with different orientations and backgrounds. And do you know so many people met their spouse at camp, maybe you are the next in line? But before then: AJUWAYA!