Nigeria is a country located in Africa, West Africa precisely and also called the giant of Africa is the home for different ethnic groups or tribe.

But as the case may be, out of all the ethnic groups we have in Nigeria, there are just three mainly recognized ones which are the tribe of the Igbo’s ( this tribe is situated in the southern East of the country with the percentage population of 18% of over one hundred and ninety (190) million people living in Nigeria making them the third largest tribe in the country), the Hausas’( this tribe tends to be the tribe with the largest number of human population in the country with the percentage population of 25%, and the Yoruba’s ( this tribe also tends to be the tribe with the second highest number of people in Nigeria with the percentage population of 21%.

Nigeria is a great country made up of different people. Nigeria which is the most popular African country is made up a high number of ethnic groups. We have hundreds of ethnic groups in the country. We will, however, discuss the largest ethnic groups, then take a look at another long list of Ethnic Groups in Nigeria and the States where they are found.

Ethnic Groups In Nigeria
Ethnic Groups In Nigeria

List of Ethnic Groups in Nigeria and the States Where they are Found

The list of the tribe or ethnic group and their states are stated below, take your time to know each ethnic group and where they are located in Nigeria.


  1. Abia state, Anambra state, Imo state, Ebonyi state, Enugu state, Delta state, Rivers state, cross river state Igbo
  2. Sokoto state, Niger, Jigawa, Kano, Bauchi, Borno, Kaduna, Kastina, Kebbi, Taraba, Abuja, Yobe, Benue Hausa
  3. Ekiti, Ondo, Kogi, Kwara, Ogun, Osun, Oyo, Edo, Lagos
  4. Bauchi, Jigawa, Borno, Kano, Kastina, Taraba, Yobe, Kaduna, Sokoto, Kebbi, Niger, Benue Fulani
  5. Bayelsa, Edo, Delata, Ondo Akwa Ibom, Rivers state Ijaw
  6. Benue, Nasarawa, Kogi, Cross River, Kogi state Idoma
  7. Benue, Plateau state Tiv
  8. Adamawa state Banso, Batta, Gwa (Gurawa), Daba, Palli, Hona, Ichen, Holma, Mbol, Wula, Wurbo, Pire, Sukur, Tur, Vemgo, Verra, Yungur, Muchaila, Njayi, Tigon, Teme, Wagga, Mundang, Mbula, Lakka, Lala, Jibu, Kaka, Kambu, Gira, Matakarn, Ubbo, Kurdul, Kiiba, Jirai, Gizigz, Gombi, Gudu, Gude, Gwamba, Ga’anda, Bachama, Baya, Bilei, Botlere, Bwatiye, Jirai,  Bwazza, Kanakuru, Bura/Babur, Margi, Shuwa
  9. Borno state Kanakuru, Bura/Babur, Margi, Shuwa, Chibok (Kibaku) , Chinine, Gwoza (Waha), Higi (Hig), Kanembu Kanembu, Kamwe, Kanakuru (Dera), Mandara (Wandala), Mobber, Tera (Terawa), Ngweshe (Ndhang.Ngoshe-Ndhang), Margi (Marghi), Gavako
  10. Akwa Ibom state Eket, Andoni, Orton, Ibibio, Okobo (Okkobor), Ibeno, Anang, Ejagham, Oron,
  11. Bauchi state Warji , Bele (Buli, Belewa), Gingwak, Guildford (Gubawa), Gururntum, Gym, Jaku, Jara (JaarJarawaJarawa-Dutse), Jimbin (Jimbinawa), Kamo, Kariya, Kirfi (Kirfawa), Kushi, Kwami (Kwom), Miya (Miyawa), Ningi (Ningawa), Pa’a (Pa’awaAfawa), Pero, PolchiHabe, Rebina (Rebinawa), Sanga, Segidi (Sigidawa), Siri (Sirawa), Tula, Waja, Warwick, Zaranda, Zayam (Zeam), Zul (Zulawa), Boma (Bomawa, Burmano), Bomboro, Buli, Burak, Buta (Butawa), Chamo, Dadiya, Daza (Dere, Derewa), Deno (Denawa), Ouguri, Duma (Dumawa), Galambi, Geji, Gera (Gere, Gerawa), Geruma (Gerumawa), Kubi (Kubawa), Kudachano (Kudawa), Belewa), Chama (ChamawaFitilai)

Bambora (Bambarawa), Banka (Bankalawa), Bara (Barawa), Barke, Warja (Warja),

  1. Bauchi and plateau Jere (Jare, Jera, Jera, Jerawa), Kwanka (Kwankwa), Limono
  2. Cross river Olulumo, Qua, Ukelle, Uyanga, Yache, Yakurr (Yako), Mbembe. Mbembe, Adim, Adun, Agbo, Akaju-Ndem (Akajuk), Anyima, Bachere, Bahumono, Bekwarra, Bette, Boki (Nki), Efik, Ejagham, Ekajuk, Ekoi, Etung, Ododop, Abayon, Ikom, lyala (lyalla), Mbube, Nkim, Nkum,
  3. Enugu state Bachere, Bahumono, Bekwarra, Bette, Boki (Nki), Efik, Ejagham, Ekajuk, Ekoi, Etung, Ododop, Abayon, Ikom, lyala (lyalla), Mbube, Nkim, Nkum, Olulumo, Qua, Ukelle, Uyanga, Yache, Yakurr (Yako), Mbembe. Mbembe, Igala
  4. Delta state Isoko, Isekiri, Ika, Urhobo, Ukwani, Ukwani (Kwale), Olukumi
  5. Kebbi state Achipa (Achipawa), Kambari, Zarma (Zarmawa), Shanga (Shangawa), Reshe, Kyenga (Kengawa)
  6. Yobe state Affade
  7. Rivers state Abua (Odual)
  8. Benue state Akweya-Yachi, Yalla, Utonkong, Tera (Terawa)
  9. Kaduna state Attakar (ataka) Rishuwa,
  10. Jigawa state Auyoka (Sub-Hausa)
  11. Lagos state Awori, Egun (Gu)
  12. Ogun state Awori
  13. Niger state Baruba (Barba), Zabara, Yumu, Uncinda, Rubu, Reshe, Pongo (Pongu),
  14. Edo state Bini (Edo), Ebu, Ebira, Esan (Ishan), Igala, Izon (Ijaw), Uneme (Ineme), Owan, Okpamheri, Etuno, Etsako,
  15. Rivers state Degema, Izon (Ijaw), Igbo,
  16. Kogi state Ebu, Ebira, Ijumu, Idoma, Yagba, Oworo, Owe, Ogori, Nupe, Gbedde
  17. Ondo state Yoruba, Ebira, Izon (Ijaw),
  18. Plateau state Eggon, Fyam (Fyem), Fyer(Fer), Gusu, Gwari (Gbari), Jukun, Jidda-Abu, Jere (Jare, Jera, Jera, Jerawa), Kantana, Kenern (Koenoem), Kulere (Kaler), Kwalla, Kwato, Kwaro, Limono, Kwanka (Kwankwa), Mabo, Mada, Yergan (Yergum), Mama, Miligili (Migili), Miango, Memyang (Meryan), Munga (Mupang), Mushere, Mwahavul (Mwaghavul), Ngas, Montol, Nunku, Pai, Panyam, Pyapun (Piapung), Rindire (Rendre), Ron, Rukuba, Segidi (Sigidawa), Shangawa (ShanKadunagau), Shan-Shan, Sikdi, Sura, Tarok, Tiv, Yuom, Nokere (Nakere), Ninzam (Ninzo), Irigwe, Gwandara, Goernai, Geruma (Gerumawa), Qanawuri
  19. Abuja Hausa, Gwari (Gbari)
  20. Bayelsa state Izon (Ijaw)
  21. Kaduna state Kafanchan, Kaje (Kache), Kadara, Kagoro, Kajuru (Kajurawa), Kamaku (Karnukawa), Kanikon, Katab (Kataf), Kiballo (Kiwollo), Koro (Kwaro), Kurama, Mada, Manchok, Nunku, Rumaya, Rumada, Saya (SayawaZa’ar), Srubu (Surubu), Uncinda,  Ninzam (Ninzo), Moruwa (Moro’a, Morwa), Ham (Hyam, Jaba, Jabba), Gwandara, Gure,
  22. Niger state Kamaku (Karnukawa), Kambari, Ura (Ula), Nupe, Lopa (Lupa, Lopawa), Laaru (Larawa), Gwandara, Gurmana, Gade,
  23. Taraba Ndoro , Kaba(Kabawa), Tiv, Mumuye, Jonjo (Jenjo), Jukun, Jero, Jahuna (Jahunawa), Karimjo, Kenton, Kona, Koma, Kugama, Kunini, Kuteb, Kutin, Kwanchi, Lau, Lamja, Lama, Mbum, Munga (Lelau), Nyam, Pkanzom, Poll, Nyandang, Potopo,  Sakbe, Sate, Tarok, Tikar, Vommi, Waka, Wurkun, Yandang, Yott, Shomo, Gwom, Gonia, Gornun (Gmun), Gengle.

Major Ethnic Groups In Nigeria

  • 1. Hausa

Hausa is one of the 3 major ethnics groups in Nigeria. The Hausa ethnic group dominates the northern part of the country. Hausa has the largest population among all ethnic groups in Nigeria. This ethnic group can be found in the following states: Kaduna State, Bauchi State, Taraba State, Jigawa State, Kano State, Kebbi State, Niger State, Kastina State, Borno State, and Sokoto State.

  • 2. Igbo

Igbo is also one of the top 3 major ethnics groups in Nigeria. The Igbo ethnic group is not only found in Nigeria, but it is also found in other African countries. This ethnic group dominates the eastern part of Nigeria. It shares the southern part as well with the Yoruba ethnic group. This ethnic group is based in the following states: Abia State, Ebonyi State, Benue State, Anambra State, Imo State, Delta State, Enugu State, and Rivers State.

  • 3. Yoruba

Here comes the third largest ethnic group in Nigeria. The Yoruba ethnic group shares the southern part of Nigeria with the Igbo ethnic group. They dominate the western part of the country. The following states are the base of the Yoruba ethnic group: Kwara State, Oyo State, Ogun State, Ondo State, Osun State, Lagos State, Ekiti State, and Kogi State.

Some Other List of Ethnic Groups in Nigeria and the States Where they are Found

Gwandara – Kaduna State, Niger State, and Plateau State.

Gwari – Kaduna State, Niger State and Plateau State.

Gwom – Taraba State; Gwoza – Borno State; Gyem – Bauchi State.

Higi – Borno State and Adamawa State; Holma – Adamawa State.

Hona – Adamawa State.

Ibeno – Akwa lbom State.

Ibibio – Akwa lbom State.

Ichen – Adamawa State.

Idoma – Benue State, Nassarawa State, Cross Rivers State, Kogi State and Taraba State.

Igala – Kogi State, Anambra State, Edo State and Enugu State.

ljumu – Kogi State.

Ika – Delta State.

Ikom – Cross River State.

Ikwerre – Rivers State.

Irigwe – Plateau State.

Isoko – Delta State.

lsekiri – Delta State.

lyala – Cross River State.

lzondjo – Bayelsa State, Delta State, Ondo State and Rivers State.

Jaba – Kaduna State.

Jahuna – Taraba State.

Jaku – Bauchi State.

Jara – Bauchi State.

Jere – Bauchi State and Plateau State.

Jero – Taraba State.

Jibu – Adamawa State.

Jidda-Abu – Plateau State.

Jimbin – Bauchi State.

Jirai Adamawa State.

Jonjo – Taraba State;

Jukun – Bauchi State, Benue State, Taraba State and Plateau State.

Kaba – Taraba State.

Kadara – Taraba State.

Kafanchan – Kaduna State,

Kagoro – Kaduna State.

Kaje – Kaduna State;

Kajuru – Kaduna State;

Kaka – Adamawa State;

Kamaku – Kaduna State,

Kebbi State and Niger State.

Kambari – Kebbi State and Niger State.

Kambu – Adamawa State.

Kamo – Bauchi State.

Kanakuru – Adamawa State and Borno State; Kanembu – Borno State; Kanikon – Kaduna State.

Kantana – Plateau State.

Kanuri – Kaduna State, Adamawa State, Borno State, Kano State, Niger State, Jigawa State, Plateau State, Taraba State and Yobe State.

Karekare – Bauchi State and Yobe State.

Karimjo – Taraba State; Tarok – Plateau State and Taraba State.

Teme – Adamawa State; Tera – Bauchi State and Borno State.

Teshena – Kano State.

Tigon – Adamawa State.

Tikar – Taraba State.

Tiv – Benue State, Plateau State and Taraba State.

Tula – Bauchi State.

Tur – Adamawa State.

Ufia – Benue State.

Ukelle – Cross River State.

Ukwani – Delta State

Uncinda – Kaduna State, Kebbi State, Niger State and Sokoto State.

Uneme – Edo State.

Ura – Niger State.

Urhobo – Delta State.

Utonkong – Benue State.

Uyanga – Cross River State.

Vemgo – Adamawa State.

Verre – Adamawa State; Vommi – Taraba State.

Wagga – Adamawa State.

Waja – Bauchi State.

Waka – Taraba State;  etc.


Conclusion on List of Ethnic group in Nigeria and their states

Nigeria is a large country populated with over one hundred and seventy (170) million people, thirty-six states including the federal capital territory, over five hundred and twenty-five (525) languages spoke widely across the country and three hundred and seventy-one (370) ethnic groups otherwise known as Tribe, this ethnic groups have different culture and different languages but may still reside in the same state but different location.

Pertaining to the three main tribes in the country, over sixty (60) percent of Nigerian citizen are either a Hausa Tribe or Igbo Tribe or Yoruba Tribe, in which the rest of the percentage of Nigerian citizen belongs to other ethnic group or tribes.

We have up to three hundred and seventy-one (371) ethnic groups or tribes in Nigeria and over 525 spoken languages in Nigeria. Nigeria has thirty-six (36) states in total including her Federal Capital Territory which is Abuja, all the thirty-six (36) states of Nigeria is the home for 371 ethnic groups across the country.

Tag: List of Ethnic Groups in Nigeria and the States Where they are Found