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Top 10 Most Dangerous Animals Found in Africa (2023)

Africa hosts beautiful wildlife, but it is also home to numerous dangerous and even deadly creatures. Many more dangerous animals in the world are located on the African Continent. The vast ecosystems of Africa contain wild animals that are not found elsewhere in the world, which comprise some of the most dangerous creatures. Each year, a large number of human deaths have been reported to be caused by attacks from these dangerous animals.

It is surprising that many claims that the hippopotamus has the title of the most dangerous animal in Africa. Others believe that the Nile Crocodile or African buffalo could be the ones that are truly worthy of this title. However, it is impossible to argue that the majority of human deaths reported across Africa are a result of the tiny mosquito. Mosquitoes are reported to have taken so many lives on the continent, acting as carriers of fatal diseases such as malaria.

The Top 10 Most Dangerous Animals in Africa

1. Mosquito

The Mosquito is reported to be responsible for an estimated 1,000,000 Deaths annually. It might be surprising to know that the most deadly animal found in Africa is one of the tiniest animals. However, the mosquito with its tiny size is Africa’s most dangerous animal. African mosquitoes transmit a wide range of potentially fatal illnesses such as yellow fever, Zika virus, West Nile virus, dengue fever, and malaria affecting over 70 million people each year.

The biggest risk posed by mosquitoes is malaria, which is among the most fatal diseases that exist. The malaria virus is transmitted by mosquitoes that are females Anopheles mosquito that is active in the morning and at dusk. The positive side is that you can stop mosquito bites with repellents in form of lotion or spray, wear light-colored clothes and sleep in the mosquito net. However, interestingly, both South Africa and Namibia are mostly malaria-free locations.

2. Hippopotamus

Known to be responsible for an estimated 3,000 Deaths annually, Hippos are enjoyable to watch from afar but not as peaceful as they appear. Despite being vegetarians hippos are regarded to be the most dangerous species of terrestrial animal in Africa. Male Hippos fight for their territory, while female hippos are extremely aggressive when they suspect that something is happening to their children.

Hippos can travel at speeds of more than 19 miles an hour in the open and can weigh more than 3,300 pounds. In addition, a male hippo’s canine teeth may surpass 20 inches. Several people have lost limbs or even their lives to hippo attacks.

3. African Elephant

This animal is known to be responsible for an estimated 500 Deaths annually. Elephants, the largest of land mammals, are unpredictable. Bulls that are older and males who are young and inexperienced particularly can be aggressive, even if they’re not at all provoked usually during their heat period when testosterone levels rise.

Also, it is recommended to avoid mothers who have babies as, like humans, they’ll ensure their babies’ safety at all times. Elephants can weigh more than 10,000 pounds and the majority of human deaths are caused by crushing or trampling. Elephants are commonly more violent when poaching takes place.

4. Nile Crocodile

The Nile Crocodile is one of the most dangerous animals in Africa that is known to be responsible for an estimated 300 Deaths annually. Crocodiles, while captivating to observe is among the world’s biggest freshwater predators. A crocodile can submerge itself in the water with only its nostrils above the water while waiting for its prey.

On sighting its prey along the riverbank, it launches upward at an astonishing speed and encases its victim within its jaws in vise-like clamps before dragging it underwater to drown. Crocodiles are avid hunters and they strike any animal within their reach, including humans. The majority of human deaths occur when people wash or collect water along the riverbanks, or when fishermen pull their boats out and into the waters.

5. Lion

Known to be responsible for an estimated 250 Deaths annually, the lion is among the top predators in the world. However, in normal circumstances, it won’t attack humans but there are occasions when it might. Mozambican refugees who cross the South African Kruger National Park at night are often preyed upon or eaten by the lions.

In Tanzania, reports state that lions kill as many as 70 people per year. The most famous incident in which lions ate humans occurred when the Kenya-Uganda rail line was constructed in 1898. It was reported that during this time, two male lions attacked railway employees, killing over 100 people within nine months.

6. Cape Buffalo

It is one of the most dangerous animals in Africa known to be responsible for an estimated 200 Deaths annually. The Cape buffalo is famous for its unpredictable, aggressive nature, and is undoubtedly among the most deadly animals found in Africa.

In Africa as being among the Big Five animals, the Cape buffalo can weigh as much as 1,760 pounds. Bulls can weigh as much as 2,200 pounds! Cape buffalos are usually seen in herds of intimidating size but, if isolated and injured they may attack and kill human beings. This dangerous animal is famous for its tendency to circle back its victims and beat them to death using their formidable horns

7. Great White Shark

Known to be responsible for an estimated 2 Deaths annually, Great white sharks can strike terror into many. However, these sharks do not have the inherent instincts to attack human beings. Great whites do not consider humans prey and tend to only attack when they are mistaken for one.

Great white sharks chase their prey with a speed of up to 25 miles per hour, taking one huge bite, then taking another away, allowing their prey to perish before taking it in. Even though these sharks are powerful and can cause devastating destruction, attacks on humans are extremely rare. In general, the majority of people are killed by stings from bees than sharks.

8. Rhinoceros

Rhinos are known for their anger, shortsightedness and not being afraid to strike at anything they consider to be a threat. They might have weak eyesight however their sense of smell is superb and the smell of a human could trigger rhinos to attack an individual or a vehicle.

Female rhinos are extremely cautious of their children and will attack anything they consider a threat. Generally, the black rhino is more aggressive, however, both white and black rhinos are known to charge when they are threatened. Adult rhinos weigh up to 6000 pounds and travel at speeds as high as 40 miles an hour. 

9. Puff Adder

Although not the most venomous snake in Africa, the puff adder is regarded as the deadliest snake in Africa, responsible for around 32,000 deaths of humans per year.

The dangerous reptile offers excellent camouflage and instead of running away at the sight of imminent danger, it’ll remain still. The majority of attacks occur when people walk upon the snake. Due to the snake’s powerful fangs and venom twenty percent of all bites could result in death if not dealt with correctly.

10. Black Mamba

A black mamba is one of the most dangerous animals in Africa. It is one of the most deadly snakes found in Africa. They can grow as high as 8 feet long and can reach speeds up to 12 miles at a time. Mambas can be extremely insecure when they are cornered, and will not be afraid to strike. Their venom is extremely toxic.

One bite can contain enough poison to cause the death of about 10 persons. Without anti-venom, death could take place in as little as 7 hours.

However, Black Mambas aren’t completely black. Rather they are a brownish olive hue and they are named for their mouths that are black and inky, which they exhibit when they are they are threatened. They have a sharp, well-developed eye and are ambush as well as hunter predators.
