Federal University Of Technology Akure FUTA cut off mark for all courses 2023 and how to calculate FUTA cut off mark/aggregate score.

The federal university of technology Akure in Ondo State is one of the top ranking universities in the country, the school was established in 1981, the school is renowned for its academic excellence, the school has good facilities which helps students in learning with also one of the best teaching staff in the country.

FUTA Cut Off Mark For All Courses – JAMB And Post UTME

The federal university of technology Akure cut off mart for the present session is 180.

How To Calculate FUTA Cut off mark and Aggregate Score

To calculate your aggregate score

  1. Divide your JAMB score by 8
  2. Divide Post UTME score by 5
  3. Add both the result of “1” and “2” above together
  4. That’s you FUTA Aggregate score

NOTE: Prospective students should kindly know that there is no definite cut off mark for all courses or department but to be eligible for admission into the institution (Futa) Federal University of Technology prospective students must attain the general cut off mark required. If aspirants strive to score above or exact jamb cut off mark which is 180 in JAMB which is the general cutoff for all institution is eligible to apply for admission into any other course or department in the same university but must go through the usual JAMB analysis, if your cut off mark those not meet the needed requirement or standard which is 180 you can read more on JAMB site for jamb change of course or institution to know how to change your course or institution. Due to the massive number of students who choose or apply to study in the Federal University of Technology, normally the admission processes are very competitive and admission is normally given based on your JAMB score and your O level grades which states no chance for partiality or fraud.

federal university of technology akure futa cut off mark for all courses jamb departmental

A student who scored 180 and above is eligible to sit for the screening test which is to be conducted by the school. Candidates are advised to score higher if they want to gain admission into any professional course in the school. A school like FUTA is very competitive so you are advised to prepare well. Those who did not score well can pick up a lower course to study, so as to get admission easily. Below are the courses and their cut off marks for the school.

Federal University Of Technology Akure FUTA Departmental Cut Off Mark For All Courses JAMB

Below are courses been offered in the federal university of technology as well as their cut off.

  1. AEC department – 54
  2. AGE department – 53
  3. AGP department – 52
  4. AGY department – 52
  5. ANA department   – 64
  6. ARC   department – 63
  7. APH   department – 52
  8. ARE department – 52
  9. BCH   department – 63
  10. BDG department – 60
  11. BIM   department– 53
  12. BIO   department– 55
  13. BTH department – 53
  14. CHE department– 53
  15. CPE   department– 69
  16. CSC department– 64
  17. CSP department – 53
  18. CVE   department – 73
  19. EEE department – 74
  20. ESM department – 54
  21. EWM   department– 54
  22. FAT department – 50
  23. FST   department– 56
  24. FWT department – 53
  25. IDD   department–56
  26. MCB department – 64
  27. MEE department – 64
  28. MET department – 55
  29. MME department – 64
  30. MNE department – 53
  31. MST department – 54
  32. MTS   department54
  33. PHS department – 66
  34. PHY department – 53
  35. QSV   department– 63
  36. RSG department – 53
  37. STA department – 54
  38. SVG    department– 65
  39. URP   department – 51
  • Agricultural Engineering 58
  • Civil engineering 60
  • Electrical and electronics engineering 62
  • Mechanical engineering 62
  • Futa Cut Off Mark For Engineering and mining engineering 58
  • Metallurgical and material engineering 48
  • Applied geophysics 60
  • Applied geology 60
  • Metrology 58
  • Marine science and technology 50
  • Remote sensing and geoscience information system 56
  • Architecture 60
  • Estate management 58
  • Industrial design 50
  • Quantity Surveying 50
  • Urban and regional planning 48
  • Agricultural extension and communication technology 50
  • Agriculture and resources economics 50
  • Animal production and health 52
  • Crop soil and pest management 50
  • Fisheries and aquaculture technology 45
  • Ecotourism and wildlife management 48
  • Forestry and wood technology 50
  • Food science technology 60
  • Project management technology 54
  • Transport management technology 51
  • Library management technology 50
  • Entrepreneurship management 50
  • Biochemistry 62
  • Biology 56
  • Chemistry 58
  • Computer science 64
  • General studies 56
  • Microbiology 62
  • Physics 58
  • Statistics 50

These are all the courses listed above offered in the school and their cut off marks, candidates should ensure they check their prospective courses and calculate it according to the point system.

Cut off mark is a score set by an institution as a basis for getting students into the department or course.  This score is usually approved for candidates based on their performance in an item. Attaining higher marks above the required and set marks clear and make the admission process much easier. All this can only be attainable if a student is well prepared for the examination. While some score exactly the same mark as the set mark by the university, there is a very high pointer of not getting admitted because there are tendencies that more students will beat the cut of mark but what will differentiate and guarantee the admission is getting above the required marks that is what will set you apart from others aspirants.

This is the most important information that will help you gain admission into the university. There are some criteria to be seriously observed by students and Aspirants before being admitted to study in any of the courses or departments in any university in Nigeria. One of this include meeting the required and definite cutoff mark for each school as well as the courses are chosen in the joint admission matriculation board exam taken.  It is very smooth to obtain admission into any institution if one has met the necessary cut-off mark for admission into a particular course or department. Following the decision was taken by the school authority and their prospective Senate, the FUTA JAMB cut off the mark for all courses, and the department for the present academic session has been released.

Aspirants or Candidates MUST actually meet the required minimum post UTME score for their respectively chosen course, they must have the right UTME subject combinations as usually prescribed in the JAMB  digital Brochure and the normal prerequisite for ‘O’ Level subjects.


The Federal University of Technology Akure do always hold its admission screening exercises within the period of a week or a couple of weeks and it usually comes in 3 phases. Students who chose to study in the school are then to proceed for the pre-screening when it is then been announced. Documents required and needed for the pre-screening are your: SSCE results in all and JAMB registration print out the original copy only. It is often most important that an aspirant or candidate go early and locate his/her screening venue beforehand. Candidates will be screened on their JAMB scores and SSCE. After writing your JAMB, registering for the university screening what is next in pipeline as the process of admission also after the list have been released and aspirants were given a provisional admission is the screening by the various head of the department of schools.

NOTE: Documents that are required for the Internal or physical screening in after scoring or attaining above the necessary cut off, the necessary required things needed are stated as follows: 

  1. Your Printed Post-UTME Screening Form gotten from the café.
  2. Your approved Birth Certificate or your Declaration of age 
  3. Your Internet or school approved a copy of O’level results.
  4. Your Printed copy JAMB Result,
  5. Your Local Government Certificate.
  6. Your Recent colored passport photograph

Candidates who have gotten admission will be invited to the next screening. Here are all the documents needed;

  • All educational certification and necessary documents related or required for admission processes must be original and they must all be duplicated (Certificates original copies/Statements of Results)
  • Please note: Cases of awaiting results will NOT be granted.
  • Birth of Certification/Age Declarations is necessary.
  • A letter of good conduct from your pastor or a responsible citizen of your community/or a responsible civil servant not below Grade Level 12 or equivalent in a private sector. Approved Certificate of Local Government of the origin; And this notification of admission.

Address and Locations the Federal University of Technology Akure is located in the heart of the town of Akure Ondo state Nigeria.

Contact the admin on @ [email protected], or [email protected].

Conclusion On The Federal University Of Technology Akure FUTA Cut Off Mark For All Courses

After a careful look out of things that are required for admission into the federal university of Akure with the knowledge that the school is very competitive school and does not allow partiality or fraud during admission process since it is a federal school, they will like to retain their standards

Also, in this article, we have highlighted the cutoff mark for every department and courses. It is of great importance to know by aspirants that there are many dubious sets of individual who might promise or guarantee admission, upgrade of scores and so many others, all these are lies, not recognized by the institution. So it is advisable all aspirants should sit back and focus on their books and pat questions then maximum assurance is guaranteed for your admission. Goodluck.

That’s all on Federal University Of Technology Akure FUTA Cut Off Mark For All Courses.


Tags: the Federal University Of Technology Akure Cut Off Mark For JAMB, FUTA Departmental Cut Off Mark For All Courses