This piece of the write up is to provide information for all the students who are interested in writing JAMB to secure admission into Nnamdi Azikiwe University with the required knowledge about UNIZIK Cut Off Mark For JAMB And Post UTME All Departmental Courses 2023.

Candidates who are concerned about enrolling to Nnamdi Azikiwe University (UNIZIK) to obtain their degree qualification and have no clue on the cutoff point for the departments, this is more important to many that want an eye-opener concerning the cutoff point of Nnamdi Azikiwe University (UNIZIK departmental cut off mark for all courses). This has become paramount and important as various candidates who are anticipating sitting for the Joint Admission Matriculation Board (JAMB) examination have been seeking to know the cutoff mark for an accredited course in Nnamdi Azikiwe University.

UNIZIK Cut Off Mark For JAMB Post UTME
UNIZIK Departmental Cut Off Mark

UNIZIK Cut Off Mark 2023 JAMB & Post UTME – All Departmental Courses

Every year Millions of candidates sat for the just concluded Post UTME organized by the varsity to offer admission to students into different Departments and courses, this is because of the value and excellence the institution portrays and also has stood the test of time having undergone various and diverse reformation with different professors as the Vice-chancellor contributing their immense quota to the growth of the institution and where it is today.

  • Minimum UNIZIK Cut Off Mark For JAMB is 180

Students are expected to get to this score or beat this score so that they can offer an admission to study in the institution also to be trained. Despite the fact this is the minimum score or cut off mark, candidates who score higher and beat the score are more likely to be first considered before those who got 180 points are considered.

UNIZIK Departmental Cut Off Mark For JAMB

Below are courses offered in the university as well as their cut off mark:

  • Programs WITH CUT-OFF MARK OF 180
  1. a)    Environmental Sciences – Architecture, Building, Quantity Surveying &Geo-informatics, Fine and Applied Arts
  2. b)    Agriculture – Agric, Econs & Extension, Animal Science, Forestry & Wildlife, Food Science & Technology, Soil Science, Crop Science.
  3. c)    Engineering – Agric & Bio-resources Engineering, Polymer &Textiles Engineering.
  4. d)    Health Sciences and Technology – Environmental Health only.
  5. e)    Physical Sciences – Mathematics and Statistics only.
  6. f)    Arts – Religion & Human Relations, African& Asian Studies, Linguistics, History & International Studies, Music, Philosophy, Igbo, Modern European Languages, Theatre and Film Studies, and Chinese Studies.
  7. g)    Education – Adult Education, crèche,  Primary Education, Guidance and Counseling, Human Kinetics & Health Education, Library & Information Science, Science Education, and Vocational Education.
  8. h)    Management Sciences – Entrepreneurial Studies only.

  1. a)    Arts – English Language and Literature
  2. b)    Education – Educational Found
  3. c)    Engineering – Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronic & Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Industrial & Production Engineering, Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
  4. d)    Law
  5. e)    Management Sciences – Accountancy, Banking & Finance, Business Administration, Cooperative Economics & Management, Marketing, Public Administration
  6. f)    Physical Sciences – Computer Science, Pure & Industrial Chemistry, Physics & Industrial Physics, Geological Sciences.
  7. g)    Medicine – Medicine
  8. h)    Health Sciences & Technology – Medical Lab Sciences, Nursing Science, Radiography, Medical Rehab (Physiotherapy)
  9. i)    Pharmaceutical Sciences – Pharmacy
  10. j)    Social Sciences – Economics, Psychology, Political Science, Mass Communication, Sociology/Anthropology.
UNIZIK Departmental Cut Off Mark
UNIZIK Departmental Cut Off Mark
  1.    This cut off mark is usually available after the release of the school’s screening or post UTME admission form.
  2. 1.Vocational education            237
    1. Business education                228
    2. Technical education            170.5
    3. Law                        255
    4. Chemistry education            199.5
    5. Comp sci. education            218
    6. Inter sci. education                208
    7. Science education & bio            203
    8. General science education        230
    9. Mathematics education            184
    10. Physics education                182
    11. Pharmacy                    276
    12. Physiology                    241.5
    13. Anatomy                    240.5
    14. Agric & extinction                184.5
    15. Food Sci. & Tech                210
    16. Applied Biochemistry            243
    17. Medicine                    292.5
    18. Radiography                265.5
    19. Nursing                    281
    20.  Med lab                    276

    22.Applied Microbiology & brewery    249.5

    1. Botany                    221
    2. PAE                        232.5
    3. Zoology                    212.5
    4. Bio science                    240
    5. Computer science                254
    6. Geological science                233.5
    7. Mathematics                208.5
    8. Physics and industrial physics        213
    9. Pure and industrial chemistry        219.5
    10. Fine arts                    193
    11. Geography and metrology        202
    12. Quantity survey                220
    13.  Surveying & geo info            188.5
    14.  African and Asian studies        218
    15.  Statistics                    190.5
    16.  Economics                    277
    17.  Mass com                    268.5
    18.  Sociology                    262.5
    19.  Psychology                    264.5
    20.  Political science                266
    21.  English language and lit            243
    22. History and international studies    245
    23. Theater arts                    230
    24. Religion & Humanities            224.5
    25. Philosophy                    235
    26. Music                        193
    27. Modern European studies        234
    28. Linguistics                    232
    29. Adult education                213
    30. Education foundation            225.5
    31. Education management and policy    236
    32. Early childhood (education)        222.5
    33. Guidance and Counseling            227
    34. HPE                        206
    35. Lib Sci.                    233
    36. Bio Sci. engine                198
    37. Chemistry engine                236
    38. Civil engine                    242
    39. Elect engine                    241.5
    40.   Electric and computer engine        253.5
    41.   Industry & production            233.5
    42.   Mechanical engine                233.5
    43.   Metal and material engine        225
    44.   Polymer & textile                196.5
    45.    Accountancy                267.5
    46.    Bank & fin                    265
    47.  Bus admin                    267
    48.    CEM                    245
    49. Marketing                    260
    50. Pub admin                    268.5

    73 Architecture                    229

    1. Building                    218.5
    2.    Environmental MGT            194

There is a need to understand what cut off mark means.

  • What is cut off Mark?

Cut off mark is a basic score or point that is set by an educational institution (in this case JAMB) which a candidate sitting for her examination is to attain or beat so as to be qualified to secure entrance into the school of choice. This is ideal as it helps the board to easily select those that are qualified to be offered provisional admission into the tertiary institution. Also, it fastens the process and procedure of the examination.  


I recommend that as many candidates preparing to enroll for the Joint Admission Matriculation Board (JAMB) examination should prepare assiduously and also should ensure they get much more than just 180 as such candidates are considered first compared to those who score exact or less. Also, such candidates are offered any course of their choice as they are confirmed brilliant students while others are average. More so there is a need for such students to be studious and not lazy around waiting for one night to read, also get all previous questions paper concerning the examination to aid and guide their reading.


Nnamdi Azikiwe University (UNIZIK) is also a major tertiary institution in Nigeria and which the standard has been over the years maintained to remain at the point of her status quo. Nnamdi Azikiwe University (UNIZIK) which is located 35 kilometers to the south-west of Awka, Anambra state capital, and her second campus is situated in Nnewi. The institution came into existence as a subsidiary of the then the Anambra State University of Technology. The number of students running a full-time program is estimated to be twenty-four thousand six hundred.

Nnamdi Azikiwe University (UNIZIK) has earned its reputation been one of the highly patronized institutions due to its efficiency and efficacy in knowledge discharge to her students. When it comes to educational prowess and breeding of intellectuals, it is one of the forces to reckon with as it has one of the best facilities to train students. It is also a federal institution and one of the twenty-five federal institutions in Nigeria which are accredited and overseen by National University Commission.


Nnamdi Azikiwe University (UNIZIK) is a great institution that over the years has trained and provided valid, efficient, valuable and excellent graduates. More so the institution is well equipped so as to train the successful candidates. More so for the mere fact that Nnamdi Azikiwe University (UNIZIK) is one of the top varsity in Nigeria it also graces it the preference over other institutions.


Tags: How To Calculate UNIZIK Cut Off Mark For JAMB, UNIZIK Post UTME Cut Off Mark, Direct Entry UNIZIK Departmental Cut Off Mark