The Federal Republic of Nigeria geographical zones divides the state into six zones with supported similarity in their history.
It had been introduced throughout the regime of Former Head of State Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida so as to divide the state into manageable unit for allocation of resources, this was as a result of the state’s heterogeneous ethnic groups, their area unit has some similarities discovered between the over four hundred ethnics within the country and this could be exploited to make manageable units.
Each of the six geopolitical zones is legendary for one thing, whereas the north central is that the most numerous ethnic region that hosts the federal capital territory in Nigerian capital, the northeast is understood for farming and rearing of animals, the northwest is the largest zone within the country and largest producers of cereals like rice, sorghum, etc the southwest has the very best of academicians, the southeast is notable for manufacturing the very best of great business people and therefore the south being the key oil manufacturing region.
This article discusses the Nigeria Geographical Zones, their States, and different attention-grabbing details.
Nigeria Geographical Zones And Their States
- Abuja FCT – Center Of Unity
This beautiful city, the national capital is a planned city worked usually throughout the Eighties and once and for all become Nigeria’s capital in 1991, replacing Lagos.
- Plateau State – Home Of Peace And tourism
Level State was created out of the previous Benue-Plateau in 1976 with its headquarter is Jos. This state is thought for its extravagance in an exceedingly few mineral assets.
- Benue State – Food Basket Of the nation
Similarly, as the locution suggests, Benue state gloats of farming and its natives preponderantly ranchers. Benue State was created out of the recent Benue-Plateau State in 1976 with its headquarter is Makurdi.
- Niger State – Power State
Arranged in the north-focal geologic zone of Nigeria, Niger State was created out of the out of date North Western Nigeria in 1976
- Kogi State – Confluence State
This state is additionally referred to as center belt district of Nigeria, Kogi State was created out of the past Kwara and Benue States in 1991 covering the zone of the past Kabba Province.
- Nasarawa State – Home Of Solid Mineral
The state was expelled from the recent highland State in 1996 and as way back because it was created, this state positions collectively of the highest vacationer states with its eminently immaculate scenes and spectacular extraordinary country
- Kwara State – State Of Harmony
Kwara state is known as the ‘Locale of Harmony’ by uprightness of the peaceful relations that exist among its philosophy and differentiating masses of about 2.5 million people.
- Yobe State – Young Shall Grow
Yobe State is known for its plant rehearses, the state was begotten out of the recent Borno State on 27 August 1991, by the military body of General Abraham Babangida.
- Taraba State – Nature’s Gift To the nation
Arranged in the north-east geopolitical zone of Nigeria, Taraba State was created out of the obsolete Gongola State in 1991.
- Borno State – Home Of Peace
This state that sits on the north-east geologic zone of Nigeria, was created out of obsolete Northeastern Nigeria in 1976
- Gombe State – Jewel in the Savannah
Gombe state is sited suitably within the overall savannah space and has eleven neighborhood government domains that consolidate Akko, Balanga, Billiri, Dukku, Funakaye, Gombe, Kaltungo, Kwami, Nafada, Shongom, Yamaltu/Deba.
- Bauchi State – Home Of Peace and hospitality
Bauchi State is notable for its farm animals raising and alternative cultivating things, as an example, guinea corn, rice, millet, groundnut, and maize.
- Adamawa State – The Land Of Beauty
Adamawa State is essentially a wonderful uneven land transversed by passage valleys of Benue, Gongola, and Yedsarem. The valleys of Cameroun, Mandara and Adamawa mountains structure conjure these undulating scene.

- Jigawa State – New World
Arranged in north-west politics zone of Nigeria, Jigawa State was created out of the recent Kano State in 1991 with its capital in Dutse.
- Kebbi State – Land Of Equity
Arranged in north-west politics zone of Nigeria, Kebbi State was created out of the recent Sokoto State in 1991 with its headquarter is Birnin Kebbi.
- Kano State – Center Of Commerce
Arranged in north-west politics zone of Nigeria, Kano State was created out of the terminated Northern Region in 1976 and it’s disconnected into 44 neighborhood government domains.
- Katsina State – Home Of hospitality
Arranged in north-west government zone of Nigeria, Katsina State was created out of the recent Kaduna State in 1987 and it’s segregated into 34 neighborhood government districts
- Kaduna State – The Liberal State
This recent state was comprised of Zaria and Katsina regions till 1987 once katsina territory was cut out to grow to be a state. This state is enriched unremarkably and it’s an upscale social heritage
- Sokoto State – Seat Of The Caliphate
Sokoto State in its present structure was created in 1996 once Zamfara State was created by late General Sani Abacha.
- Zamfara State – Farming Is Our Pride
Zamfara State was one in every of the recent Hausa nation. It connects up to the spot of watercourse opening toward the Northwest and stream ka within the Southwest. Zamfara kingdom showed up within the eleventh century and succeeded up to the sixteenth century as a nation.
- * Abia State – God’s Own State
Arranged in south-east politics zone of Nigeria, Abia State was created out of the recent IMO in 1991 with its capital is Umuahia.
- IMO State – eastern heartland
This state into reality in 1976 under the administration of Murtala Muhammad. The state is called after the IMO watercourse which is named after a conspicuous Nigerian family. In 1991 Abia State and Ebonyi State was removed, a part of Imo.
- Ebonyi State – The Salt Of the nation
Arranged in south-east politics zone of Nigeria, Ebonyi State was created in 1996 and it’s classified “the salt of the nation” for its mammoth salt store at the Okposi and Uburu salt lakes.
- Anambra State – light Of the nation
Arranged within the south-east politics zone of Nigeria, Anambra State is associate degree upcountry state with its capital in Awka. Anambra State was created in 1976 from the recent East Central State with its capital at Enugu.
- * Enugu State – The Coal city State
Enugu state gets its name from the capital town that was developed in 1912 as a touch coal mining city, anyway it later shaped to rework into the capital of the past Japanese Region of Nigeria.
- Cross River State – The People’s Paradise
Arranged in south-south politics zone of Nigeria, Cross River State was created out of the Old Southeastern State in 1976 with its capital in Calabar.
- Rivers State – Treasure Base Of the nation
Arranged in south-south politics zone of Nigeria, Rivers State was created out of the recent eastern Region in 1967 with its capital in Port Harcourt.
- Delta State – big Heart Of the nation
Arranged in south-south politics zone of Nigeria, Delta State is associate degree oil transfer state situated within the region called the Niger Delta that was created in 1991
- Edo State – Heartbeat Of the nation
Arranged in south-south politics zone of Nigeria, Edo State was created in 1991 once the recent Bendel State was part into 2 out of a state creation practice that equally aggravated the presentation of Delta state.
- Akwa Ibom State – Land Of Promise
Akwa Ibom State encompasses a spot with one in every of the oil creating states of the Niger Delta and its land of 3,920,208 and a land zone of half-dozen,900 sq Km.
- Bayelsa State – The Glory Of All Lands
Bayelsa State that was removed of Rivers State, this state has one in every of the best-soiled oil and flammable gas stores in Nigeria.
- Lagos State – Center Of Excellence
Lagos State, named the “inside purpose of flawlessness”, is the business operational center point of the country that has over a bit of the total scale present-day enthusiasm for Nigeria and therefore the business works out.
- Ekiti State – Fountain of knowledge
Arranged in south-west politics zone of Nigeria, Ekiti State was created out of the recent Ondo in 1996 with its capital is Ado-Ekiti.
- Ogun State – gateway State
Arranged in south-west politics zone of Nigeria, Ogun State was created in 1976 with Abeokuta as the city, incorporates the recent Abeokuta and Ijebu regions.
- Ondo State – The sunshine state
Arranged in south-west politics zone of Nigeria, Ondo State was created in nineteen76 out of the previous Western State and it’s 19 close-by government areas.
- Oyo State – The Pacesetter State
Arranged within the south-west politics zone of Nigeria, Oyo State was one in each of the 3 states cut out of the past Western region of Nigeria in 1976.
- Osun State – The Land Of Virtue
Osun State is associate degree landlocked state with its capital in Osogbo town. the indigenes of the state are warm, lovable and daring.
That’s all on our information on Nigeria geographical zones and their states.
- List Of Skills to Learn in Nigeria
- List of Ethnic Groups in Nigeria, Culture, and States
Tag: Geographical Zones In Nigeria And Their States